Hoy Citizendium is open for general reading!

Para los que no sepáis aún que es citizendium os dejo estos enlaces a posts en los que ya tratamos del tema:
1) jueves 21 de septiembre de 2006 [not] The Citizendium Project. un nuevo wiki experimental

2) miércoles 4 de octubre de 2006 [link] Imagine there’s no heaven: Citizendium (II). Un nuevo wiki experimental

3) jueves 25 de enero de 2007 Citizendium: Contrary to some press reports, we have not «opened our doors.»

4) Y el propio texto de citizendium en el que se presentan.
The Citizendium (sit-ih-ZEN-dee-um), a «citizens’ compendium of everything,» is an open wiki project aimed at creating an enormous, free, and reliable encyclopedia.

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Welcome to Citizendium beta!

We are now live! The Pilot Project concluded March 25, and the Citizendium beta is open for general reading!

The Citizendium (sit-ih-ZEN-dee-um), a «citizens’ compendium of everything,» is an experimental new wiki project. The project, started by a founder of Wikipedia, aims to improve on that model by adding «gentle expert oversight» and requiring contributors to use their real names.

As of March 25, 2007, we were working on over 1,100 articles.

One of our projects these days is The Big Cleanup. It’s a good way to get acquainted with our work and help out.

Fuente: [citizendium]

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