Second Life por Eloise Pasteur.Teachers chat: Ire at slagging of SL for teens.

Hoy traemos un enlace a un post de Eloise Pasteur en Second Life Insider a propósito de otro artículo (… is society ready for it? en//” porque contiene errores.) Desde España el comienzo del post es de una actualidad inenarrable: «soy uno de esos tipos liberales peligrosos europeos» (liberal, peligro, europa). Bueno, opiniones sobre sexo, adolescencia, second life y profesorado.
Ya tratamos anteriormente de algún modo el tema el lunes 5 de marzo de 2007 Second Life:Quien dijo que cualquier producto humano no adolecería de sus virtudes y defectos?

Destacaría el final del post:»SL offers a huge range of possibilities. Perhaps the journalists and those they’re trying to stir with paranoia just can’t ever admit that exposure to seedy things in life is part of growing up. Saving it until they can do it all, and more, in real life is irresponsible – run that one by me again?!»

I’m one of those dangerously liberal European types. I don’t have any issues with protecting under-18’s (in fact our laws about protecting under-18’s in education are stricter than the USA’s and I whole-heartedly support them) but, once they reach adulthood, there’s a limit to how much you can reasonably protect them. If they can marry, should we really stop them seeing naked bodies if they really want to? I’m not thinking in class here, but at home or online or wherever. Other teachers disagree with me on that – said I was a dangerously libeal European, didn’t I?
What has raised the teachers’ ire on the SLED list is a facile article commenting that SL is simply and solely a means for exposing teens to «seedy side of life» with no redeeming features. (leer más…)

Fuente: [second life insider]

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