"The cult of the Amateur" . ¿cómo internet está asesinando / matando/ liquidando nuestra cultura?

Traemos hoy el enlace a un libro de Andrew Keen, titulado «The Cult of Amateur» How Today’s Internet is Killing our culture and Assaulting our Economy. Lo leeremos y opinaremos sobre el tema; …o no.
De momento lo que hacemos siempre enlacitos para leer.

1) Podéis leer el libro en el blog de Andrew Keen, del que tenéis la captura de pantalla a la izquierda.

2) Web 2.0 Is Reminiscent Of Marx: Second-Generation Internet Is Dangerously Seductive: This column was written by Andrew Keen. en CBS news.

«The ancients were good at resisting seduction. Odysseus fought the seductive song of the Sirens by having his men tie him to the mast of his ship as it sailed past the Siren’s Isle. Socrates was so intent on protecting citizens from the seductive opinions of artists and writers that he outlawed them from his imaginary republic. «

«Just as Marx seduced a generation of European idealists with his fantasy of self-realization in a communist utopia, so the Web 2.0 cult of creative self-realization has seduced everyone in Silicon Valley.»

3) Andrew Keen: Pathetic 2.0 post de 2006, en the people.yes

«In the Web 2.0 world, however, the nightmare is not the scarcity, but the over-abundance of authors. Since everyone will use digital media to express themselves, the only decisive act will be to not mark the paper.»

4) Special Guest Blogger: Andrew Keen en The tech chronicles

«You may have read my recent post about Web 2.0’s resident contrarian Andrew Keen. Well, it got the philosophical Mr. Keen to thinking and he decided to write up something special just for us. If you’re not familiar with him, or his writing, check out his ideas here. And, as always, we’d love to hear your thoughts on this. So, without further ado, let us welcome our special guest blogger this week (applause.)»

5) The anti web 2.0 manifesto (Adorno-for-idiots)en el excelente blog Tilt!.

«Leer a Andrew Keen y su crítica a la Web 2.0 ha sido un extraño ejercicio. Uno, por cierto, algo violento. Porque si leemos los 11 puntos de su manifiesto, uno puede llegar a preguntarse si vale la pena tener un blog, un rss, sacar fotos para subirlas al flickr, asistir a foros virtuales y un largo etcétera. A Andrew Keen, de seguro, le molesta que tú o yo, unos fulanitos cualquiera, podamos si quiera tener acceso a la red.»(leer más…)

Fuente: [ajkeen y otras]

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2 respuestas to “"The cult of the Amateur" . ¿cómo internet está asesinando / matando/ liquidando nuestra cultura?”

  1. Paz Says:

    acá la muy interesante opinión de Lessig sobre the cult of amateur.




  2. eraser Says:

    Excelente aportación….paz…

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