Mapas conceptuales 2008. Conectando educadores. 3ª conferencia

//” porque contiene errores.

Aquí tenéis el anuncio de la conferencia sobre mapas conceptuales (tema que ya hemos tratado en algunas ocasiones) y el call for papers. La Conferencia se celebrará del 22 al 25 de septiembre de 2008 en Tallinn y Helsinki. Como no podía ser de otra manera Cmaptools tiene un mapa conceptual sobre la conferencia en portada que reproduzco.

Saturday, 20 October 2007

Call for Papers: CMC2008 – 3rd International Conference on Concept Mapping
Tallinn, Estonia & Helsinki, Finland, Sept. 22-25, 2008

Dear colleague,
CMC2008, the Third International Conference on Concept Mapping has as a purpose bringing together scholars and practitioners interested in the use of the concept mapping tool first developed at Cornell University in 1972. It is being organized by Tallinn University in Estonia, University of Helsinki in Finland, and the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition. If follows on the success of the First Conference held in Pamplona, Spain in 2004 and the Second Conference held in San Jose, Costa Rica in 2006.

The first two days of the Conference, 22 and 23rd of September, will be held in Tallinn, with a boat ride on the night of the 23rd taking all participants to Helsinki, Finland for the last two days of the Conference, the 24th and 25th of September. Yes, two countries: Estonia, a world leader in the use of technology in government and business, and Finland, recognized worldwide for its quality of education. Join the concept mapping community and visit two countries, know two cultures, visit Old Town in Tallinn, visit schools and learn about Finland’s educational system, and meet concept-mappers from all over the world!

(leer más…)

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Una respuesta to “Mapas conceptuales 2008. Conectando educadores. 3ª conferencia”

  1. Natalia - Charlas motivacionales para jóvenes Says:

    Hola, un gran articulo, sin motivación no hay éxito, la motivación es indispensable para lograr
    propósitos, apoyo por completo al autor. Gracias.

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