WebCT- Elgg Integration Flash Demo

Aquí tenéis un enlace a
//www.aperto-elearning.com/files/aperto_logo.png” porque contiene errores.
dónde nos hablan de la integración webct y elgg
//elgg.net/_templates/logo_three.gif” porque contiene errores.//hub-images.webct.com/images/bbcontainer/objects/images/webctheader.gif” porque contiene errores..

After getting a number of follow-up requests from the WebCT European Conference in Edinburgh, I decided to create a short Flash-movie which demonstrates the WebCT-Elgg integration.

The file can be found at:


The demo is best viewed on a 1024×768 or larger display, to minimize any scrolling.

For those interested, a PDF version of my presentation slides are also available for download from the conference site at:


(leer más…)

Fuente: [aperto elearning-solutions]

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Una respuesta to “WebCT- Elgg Integration Flash Demo”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Hola a todos,
    Si quereis comprar un jamon Iberico de verdad bueno, os recomiendo la tienda de Spanishtaste . Tienen los mejores jamones Ibericos de Jabugo 100% Pata Negra que he probado.

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