Archive for the ‘webct-blackboard’ Category

Davids versus Goliath: a comparison of wikis versus Blackboard CMS

abril 2, 2007

Hoy traemos un post, del 9 de Marzo de Stewart Mader en Zdnet estableciendo una comparación entre los CMS tradicionales (Blackboard o WebCt) y los wikis. Y otra serie de enlaces a las reacciones a este post en la blogosfera.

[Guest Blogger Stewart Mader, Atlassian – makers of Confluence and Jira. His blog can be found here.]

In almost a decade in higher ed on both sides of the classroom (and in the middle, as a consultant helping other teachers integrate technology into their courses), I’ve seen an interesting shift in what’s available for teachers, and what they’re choosing to use. Back in the late 1990s when I was an undergrad, most teachers who were tech savvy were using standard web pages, slideware (PowerPoint), and email. Right around 1999 the course management system (CMS) started to appear on the scene, and two main choices were available, Blackboard and WebCT. The rivalry between the two occasionally sparked Mac/PC comparisons, with people who liked a slightly more refined interface advocating for Blackboard, and those who argued it had more powerful tools advocating for WebCT. Well, Blackboard won the battle. They swallowed up WebCT last year. Today, Blackboard faces big perception problems after getting a patent on the CMS, then suing some small competitors. This is like Starbucks getting a patent on serving coffee in a cup using the argument that it invented coffee and paper cups, and combined them into a product!

Al que también le añadimos un enlace a Wiki vs. Blackboard (CMS): Thoughts from the Blogosphere

Listen to this podcast Listen to this Podcast

My post on Web 2.0 Explorer comparing Wiki and the traditional course management system has received some excellent comments and posts on other blogs. Infocult and NITLE picked up the post, and Bryan Alexander (author of Infocult) commented that my reasons for choosing wiki and objections to Blackboard, are quite handy.

Back on Web 2.0 Explorer, commenter LittleGuy wrote, “BB is way too expensive to justify given the alternatives of wikis and Moodle…Our college quit BB due to a $50,000 increase.” Another commenter, Leturno, disagreed with me and said…

Otros enlaces:
March 29, 2007: Wikis versus the Blackweb: Mader’s case en Infocult

Thursday, March 29th, 2007 CMS versus wikis in teaching en Liberal Education Today

Fuente: [using wiki in education y blogs]

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WebCT- Elgg Integration Flash Demo

noviembre 25, 2006

Aquí tenéis un enlace a
//” porque contiene errores.
dónde nos hablan de la integración webct y elgg
//” porque contiene errores.//” porque contiene errores..

After getting a number of follow-up requests from the WebCT European Conference in Edinburgh, I decided to create a short Flash-movie which demonstrates the WebCT-Elgg integration.

The file can be found at:

The demo is best viewed on a 1024×768 or larger display, to minimize any scrolling.

For those interested, a PDF version of my presentation slides are also available for download from the conference site at:

(leer más…)

Fuente: [aperto elearning-solutions]

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