Archive for marzo 2007

e-Learning 2007.Lisbon, Portugal.6-8 July 2007

marzo 31, 2007

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Aquí tenéis de nuestros amigos portugueses, el enlace al e-Learning 2007, se celebrará en Lisboa (Portugal)del 6 al 8 de Julio de este año. Hasta el 20 de Abril para los papers.
//” porque contiene errores.
IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2007. Lisbon, Portugal. 6-8 July 2007

NEW Submit your paper here (second call: 20 April 2007)

NEW Keynote Speakers (confirmed):

Professor George Siemens, Associate Director, R&D Learning Technologies Centre, University of Manitoba, Canada

Professor Gráinne Conole, The Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University, UK

The IADIS e-Learning 2007 conference aims to address the main issues of concern within e-Learning. This conference covers both technical as well as the non-technical aspects of e-Learning. The conference accepts submissions in the following six main areas: Organisational Strategy and Management Issues; Technological Issues; e-Learning Curriculum Development Issues; Instructional Design Issues; e-Learning Delivery Issues; e-Learning Research Methods and Approaches

Get the Conference Poster (712 Kb) (in PDF)(leer más…)

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Entrevista a Iñigo Babot en

marzo 30, 2007

Entrevistamos a Íñigo Babot, experto en el e-learning en la formación corporativa y ponente en Online Educa Madrid 2007. Nos revela de qué modo el blended learning puede apoyar la formación corporativa y que es lo hay tener en cuenta para su implementación exitosa.

Usted ha trabajado en el ámbito de la formación en empresas y e-learning y ha investigado el tema ampliamente. ¿Cuáles son los “ingredientes” para una implementación exitosa del e-learning en las empresas? ¿Cuáles son los aspectos que pueden causar un riesgo mayor de fracaso?

Existen 4 errores muy típicos en eLearning corporativo, que he descrito en varios artículos. Evítenlos proactivamente y tendrán el éxito casi asegurado. Son estos:

1– Intentar implantar Blended Learning en una corporación con ambiente laboral tenso, que no propicie la mejora continua de sus empleados.

Si ese es su caso, el Blended Learning y el eLearning no funcionarán nunca. Mejor no planteárselo (¡pero qué difícil es reconocerlo!).

2– Crear contenidos muy teóricos o no inmediatamente aplicables al puesto de trabajo.

Los contenidos deben estar muy enfocados al trabajo diario de los empleados y ser extremadamente prácticos. Deben ser casos reales, ejemplos vivos y, a ser posible, escritos o supervisados por compañeros de la propia empresa. Deben enseñar a saber hacer bien la rutina, las operaciones ordinarias con que se enfrentan los profesionales a quienes van dirigidos

3– Buscar demasiados profesores fuera de la compañía. (leer más…)

Fuente: []

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Gabinete de Informática. Traducción de Blogs y Comunidad¿lanzando un nuevo paradigma de comunidad online? (Nancy White):

marzo 29, 2007

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Gabinete de informática es un gran recurso en la red, desde Marzo de 2005 en que comenzó su andadura. Ahora nos traduce: Blogs y comunidad: ¿lanzando un nuevo paradigma de comunidad online? (Nancy White).
Para los que no conozcan el artículo objeto de la traducción es de Nancy White,y está en
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The Knowledge Tree e-journal is the journal of the 2005-2006 Australian Flexible Learning Framework (Framework).

Siempre me gustó lo de Flexible!!!

Managing Editor

Jo Murray


James Farmer

Editorial Team

Lyn Ambrose, South Bank Institute of TAFE
Shayne Baker, Brisbane School of Distance Education
Margaret Barron, Adelaide Institute of TAFE
Frank Bate, Notre Dame University
Christine Bateman, WA Department of Education and Training
Chris Brook, Edith Cowan University
Claire Brooks, University of Melbourne
Chrishna Dixon, North Coast Institute of TAFE
Thea Fisher, Canberra Institute of Technology
Martha Goldman, Tropical North Queensland TAFE
Bernard Holkner, Monash University
Robyn Jay, TAFE New South Wales
Vicki Marchant, Riverina Institute of TAFE
Elizabeth McPherson, Canberra Institute of Technology
Jo Murray, Pelion Consulting
Margaret O’Connell, Canberra Institute of Technology
Allan Parsons, New England Institute of TAFE
Peta Pash, Torrens Valley Institute of TAFE
Ron Oliver Edith Cowan University
Lyn Smith, University of Auckland
Chris Sutton, Elearn Australia
Nancy White, Full Circle Associates

Supported in 2006, by Cathy Baxter and Jyothi Jayaram, through the Framework’s
E-learning Networks Project.

Se me olvidaba, el blog de Nancy White es «Full Circle Online Interaction Blog«. A place to capture and share ideas and links about online interaction, community, distance learning, distributed CoPs from Full Circle Associates.Y ella misma, ha agradecido a gabinete su traducción en su post del 28 de Marzo.

Por cierto, anteriormente Gabinete ya nos había traducido los siguientes artículos, a los que hicimos referencia en su momento:viernes 18 de agosto de 2006 [post] Estupenda traducción de Gabinete de Informática del post de Steve O’Hear e-learning 2.0 – como las tecnologías web están modelando la educación

viernes 22 de septiembre de 2006 [link] Gabinete de informática nos ha traducido Conectivismo: una teoría del aprendizaje para la era digital [I]

(leer más…)

Fuente: [gabinete de informática]

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Voice Beta Launch

marzo 29, 2007
Windows 2000/XP
Mac OS X
Linux client installer not available.
NOTE: Please read additional details regarding this client installer at the bottom of this page.

//” porque contiene errores. //” porque contiene errores.
We’re very excited to offer the beta test of integrated voice capabilities within Second Life. Thank you for being one of the first people to bring your voice into Second Life!

Please note: if you are running a version of the bHear client that is earlier than, please revisit the Voice download page and manually download the newest release. Users with clients earlier than will receive a message upon login to download a new viewer, but this message will not properly update the voice client.

This beta viewer is one of many that will be posted over the course of a technical beta period to test in-world voice capabilities.

New features and user interface elements will be introduced in each subsequent release, but the purpose of this initial viewer is to introduce the «proximity based» usage model – voice usage that is based on and altered by changes in physical in-world proximity.

To Participate in the Voice Beta

In order to participate in the Voice Beta test, you will need a set of stereo headphones with a microphone (preferably digital USB headphones). You will also need to select your headphones as the input and output device on your computer (otherwise, your voice will feedback into Second Life). (leer más…)

Fuente: [second life]

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Blinc. Blended learning institutions cooperative

marzo 29, 2007

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Vía Stephen’s Web aquí tenéis un enlace a Blinc. Blended learning institutions cooperative. The partnership consists of institutions, who have been co-operating in the framework of different EU projects in the programs Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig, NOW, ADAPT, Horizon, Youthstart, Horizon, Leonardo, Lingua, ADAPT, Integra, Interreg and LIFE-Environment since 1998. Una pena que en la base de datos de artículos, en el desplegable aparezcan los siguientes idiomas: german, english, bulgarian, italian, dutch, swedish, romainian, latvian, turkish y no aparezca el español, eso siendo una iniciativa europea. De momento hay 73 enlaces a artículos, seguiremos visitándolo. Por cierto: el Blinc-Blog, no podía faltar, aunque su última noticia sea del 26 de Julio de 2006, algo anticuadillo, no?

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In this part of the blinc-platform you get up-to-date and well-founded information regarding the topic ”blended learning“ in the European 3rd sector.

  • The link “blinc-blog“ leads you to our blog, which is a mixture of internal and external news and articles about latest developments in blended learning and the European 3rd sector. You will find current articles and summaries and links to other interesting websites and you are invited to give your comments and contribute to our community!.
  • In the “Blended Learning literature database» you find currently more than 75 articles about blended learning issues. You find both a thematic selection (and language) option as well as a full-text search.
  • Until March 2007, we offer you a «specialist lexicon» about terms related to blended learning and the social sector. We will probably substitute this tool by a WIKI because we have already 560 terms in the online-lexicon.
  • Under the point “blinc-publications“ you find articles and scientific studies on blended learning established by authors of our community.(leer más…)

Fuente: [blinc]

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WIAOC 2007: Webheads in Action Online Convergence. Proposals for presentations April 7

marzo 28, 2007

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Conference Registration: You can enroll in our Moodle to be on our mailing list. Registration for the conference will start in April.

Call for Participation for WiaOC 2007
CONNECT: a free synchronous and asynchronous online conference for teachers and education professionals
May 18–20, 2007

Webheads in Action <>, a world-wide cross-cultural online community of several hundred ESL/EFL educators and other professionals, invites your participation in CONNECT: Conversations on Networking, Education, Communities, and Technology, a unique conference to be held entirely online May 18–20, 2007.

The conference is called a convergence because it is intended to be a fair or festival in which many communities of colleagues converge to celebrate with us by presenting their work in a wide variety of formats. Participation is free and open to all who are interested. Keynote speakers include Stephen Downes, George Siemens, Etienne Wenger, Barbara Ganley, Teemu Leinonen, and Leigh Blackall. More information is available at <> or <>.

WiAOC 2007 follows on the success of our first completely free online global convergence <>

Proposals for presentations at WiAOC 2007 will be accepted through April 7, 2007.

(leer más…)

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Club Málaga Valley e-27

marzo 28, 2007

Hay que ver lo que es la «incurtura», y yo que no sabía que estaba a mu pocos kilómetros de la más importante zona de excelencia tecnológica de Europa, vamos con el Silicon Valley del norte de África o sur de Europa, según se mire. Bueno, esperemos que se convierta en realidad palpable dentro de poco.
Tal y como ellos se presentan:

Club Málaga Valley e-27 es una iniciativa de un destacado grupo de presidentes de relevantes compañías del sector de la sociedad de la información y de algunos de sus líderes más destacados.

El grupo tiene como objetivo diseñar las políticas y líneas de acción necesarias para convertir a Málaga en la más importante zona de excelencia tecnológica de Europa, un “Silicon Valley” europeo capaz de arrastrar a empresas de todo el mundo e inversiones en I+D.

El proyecto Club Málaga Valley e-27 es, en sí mismo, el más relevante “think tank” tecnológico que existe en Europa y tratará de aportar ideas y experiencias para alcanzar el objetivo antes señalado.(leer más…)

Fuente: []

p.d.: también os dejo el enlace a la noticia en «la flecha» Málaga quiere convertirse en referente europeo de las TIC

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MIT Second Life Student Design Competition: Hasta el 4 de Mayo

marzo 27, 2007

Conveying Residential Living and Culture in Second Life

NEWS 3/21/07: We’re holding an online tutorial in Second Life today at 5pm. The event will be in Second Life, but many of us will be logging on in room 10-337. Stop in and join us!

The goal of this project is to design and create a student created space within Second Life that represents the MIT campus. These architectures will be represented by clusters of pods. The pods will be modular, replicable, and easily customizable, such that any MIT student can join Second Life and with little foreknowledge create and add their own pod to a cluster. It is not necessary for the architecture to resemble the visual appearance of actual MIT structures. What will be important will the manner in which the pods are created, and how they interact and connect with each other.
Each team will be faced with two tasks in this, namely:

1. To submit a written proposal detailing how the pods would be created, describing their properties, and demonstrating how they would fit together

2. To actually create an instance of the proposed pod within Second Life, as described by the design scheme in part 1. Teams may also optionally create a cluster structure.

At the end of the competition submissions will be judged, and the winning team will receive a $500 prize! (leer más…)

Fuente: [MIT]

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Another Life: Virtual Worlds as Tools for Learning

marzo 27, 2007

By Jay Cross, Internet Time Group; Tony O’Driscoll, IBM; and Eilif Trondsen, SRI-Business Intelligence

Are virtual worlds a breakthrough technology that will forever reshape learning and business? Or are they this season’s over-hyped fad?

You’d have to try very hard to avoid exposure to the virtual world phenomenon in America these days. From «South Park’s» hilarious episode on «World of Warcraft» (the world’s largest MMORG, or Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) to Business Week’s cover article in April, and with coverage on «Good Morning America,» «CBS Sunday Morning» and countless other shows, virtual worlds appear to be the new-new thing.

Second Life (SL) is the poster child for virtual worlds (VWs), those computer-generated mass hallucinations where people fly and perform magic, companies build artificial buildings and islands, and public relations firms spend boatloads of money making virtual splashes on behalf of clients with deep pockets. Tens of thousands of people are «in» Second Life at any given time. More than three million people have registered, and SL reports 1.6 million residents have checked in during the last 30 days.

(leer más…)

Fuente: [elearn magazine]

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Hoy Citizendium is open for general reading!

marzo 26, 2007

Para los que no sepáis aún que es citizendium os dejo estos enlaces a posts en los que ya tratamos del tema:
1) jueves 21 de septiembre de 2006 [not] The Citizendium Project. un nuevo wiki experimental

2) miércoles 4 de octubre de 2006 [link] Imagine there’s no heaven: Citizendium (II). Un nuevo wiki experimental

3) jueves 25 de enero de 2007 Citizendium: Contrary to some press reports, we have not «opened our doors.»

4) Y el propio texto de citizendium en el que se presentan.
The Citizendium (sit-ih-ZEN-dee-um), a «citizens’ compendium of everything,» is an open wiki project aimed at creating an enormous, free, and reliable encyclopedia.

Not yet a Citizen?

Join here.

Welcome to Citizendium beta!

We are now live! The Pilot Project concluded March 25, and the Citizendium beta is open for general reading!

The Citizendium (sit-ih-ZEN-dee-um), a «citizens’ compendium of everything,» is an experimental new wiki project. The project, started by a founder of Wikipedia, aims to improve on that model by adding «gentle expert oversight» and requiring contributors to use their real names.

As of March 25, 2007, we were working on over 1,100 articles.

One of our projects these days is The Big Cleanup. It’s a good way to get acquainted with our work and help out.

Fuente: [citizendium]

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