Archive for the ‘mundos virtuales’ Category

Mundos Virtuales en educación. Second Life. Curso de verano y retransmisión

julio 7, 2008

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Hoy os anunciamos que en el excelente blog de Fernando Santamaría «Gabinete de informática» , subtitulado «herramientas y tecnologías de la web de lecto/escritura, alguna aplicación para educación, para la vida… y también para la radio» se producirá la retransmisión en directo del curso de verano “Mundos virtuales en educación. Second Life”. Con feedback para preguntar y retroalimentarnos tenéis esta dirección de

Más información sobre el curso que comienza hoy

Título: Mundos virtuales en educación. Second Life.

Lugar: CRAI-TIC. Campus de Vegazana
Fechas: Del 7 al 11 de julio de 2008
Duración: 20 horas lectivas
Destinatarios: Personas relacionadas con el mundo educativo interesadas en los mundos virtuales en el entorno educativo, con especial interés en Second Life.
Tasas: Normal 120 €
Alumnos y titulados en paro 90 €

Número de alumnos
Mínimo: 20
Máximo: 40
Objetivos específicos :
Analizar las posibilidades educativas de un entorno virtual como Second Life.
Presentar diferentes recursos educativos en entornos virtuales para analizar como posible desarrollo docente.
Analizar las distintas tendencias tecnológicas en el metaverso y sus aplicaciones a la educación.
Diseñar actividades de trabajo en entornos virtuales para su integración en el aula.
Más información en la página del curso: . Desde ella mostraremos información, fotos, vídeo, microblogging por tag, que iremos informando.
Twitter: mundosvirtuales
Tag para que aparezca en Tweme: #cvmv
En Flickr: cvmv o cvmvunileon08

Por cierto, también lo retransmite El blog de Chiti otro buen blog educativo.
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Fuente: [gabinete de informática]

Informe Especial “Educación en Mundos Virtuales 3D”

julio 3, 2008

tapainfespecial1Acceda al Informe Especial nº1 sobre Educación y Mundos Virtuales 3D, producido por LEARNING REVIEW con la asesoría editorial de Ruth Martínez, en donde encontrará un compendio de artículos, entrevistas, experiencias y noticias relacionadas con la actualidad de esta temática en empresas e instituciones educativas de España y Latinoamérica. También podrá descubrir qué está pasando en el ámbito internacional.

El sumario es el siguiente:
Por Ruth Martínez
Por María del Carmen Silva Menoni
Por Ramon Bardolet
Entrevista a Daniel Livingstone – Sloodle
Reportaje a Claudia L’Amoreaux – Linden Lab
Por Miguel Ángel Muras – FactorSIM
Entrevista a Carlos Marcelo – Universidad de Sevilla
Reportaje a Michel Grignet – Taatu
Reportaje a Marisa Herrera – Burke
Entrevista a Frank Gaugel – bluepill GROUP
Por Ana María Rolandi, Natalia Fernández Laya y
Valeria Odette – Vantics
Entrevista a Gustavo Botero Cadavid – Sistemas y Formación
Reportaje a Piet Hut – Qwaq
Tecnologías para e-Learning
Leer el Informe Especial.

Fuente: [ learning review]

I Congreso sobre Metaversos, WEB 3D y REDES SOCIALES en MUNDOS VIRTUALES, en Ibiza

junio 29, 2008

Hoy traemos, para continuar hablando de Second Life, los metaversos, los mundos virtuales y las redes sociales la noticia de que ya están disponibles para la descarga las ponencias del I Congreso sobre Metaversos, Web 3D y Redes Sociales en Mundos Virtuales celebrado en IBIZA del 20 al 22 de Junio de 2008

También os traemos un post del blog «Second Life» de la empresa Metafuturing al respecto titulado I Congreso sobre Metaversos, WEB 3D y REDES SOCIALES en MUNDOS VIRTUALES, tuvo en Ibiza el 20, 21 y 22 de Junio 2008.

El encuentro ha sido dirigido a educadores, universitarios, expertos y profesionales relacionados con el Metaverso, empresarios interesados en desarrollar negocios virtuales, usuarios de las plataformas 3D y a todo el público en general que quiera familiarizarse o conocer más de cerca todo lo relacionado con los mundos virtuales, sus posibilidades en el mundo educativo, la formación, el trabajo, etc…

El I Congreso Nacional Mundos Virtuales-Metaversos 2008 también ha lanzado una mirada al futuro, analizando cuáles pueden ser la evolución y desafíos que previsiblemente tendrán que afrontar investigadores, educadores y empresas debido a las tendencias evolutivas de las diferentes plataformas tecnológicas en 3D.

Metafuturing y Innovex 4G han participado en el Congreso. Mi ponencia sobre De Second Life al Metaverso: tendencias, tecnologías y negocios: Análisis de las tendencias actuales en mundos virtuales, análisis de diversas experiencias en Second Life. Nuevas tecnologías para un Metaverso de entornos virtuales independientes. El futuro: OpenSim, OpenCroquet, Qwaq Forums, el renacimiento de X3D, la evolución 3D de la tecnología Flash, la evolución de los videojuegos de cuarta generación como mundos virtuales videorealistas. El Metaverso como entorno social y de negocios.

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Fuente: [ ]

Informe: Mundos Virtuales , IBM

marzo 11, 2008

Aquí tenéis un informe de IBM sobre mundos virtuales… que he encontrado en el blog BizDeans Talk titulado Gaming and Leadership Report. Studying management practices in online games

Virtual Worlds, Real Leaders
Online games put the future of business leadership on display



Read the GIO Gaming Report

 ''If you want to see what business leadership may look like in three to five years,look at what's happening in online games.''

Byron Reeves, Ph.D.,the Paul C. Edwards Professor of Communication at Stanford University and Co-founder of Seriosity, Inc.

Management fads and business leadership books come and go. But the Internet, and the changes it is forcing upon business managers of all stripes, is here to stay. The days of closely knit teams working on long-term strategy in close quarters are gone, replaced by virtual teams that constantly reinvent the business in multiple time zones the world over. And the business world is in desperate need of a new model for leadership befitting the Internet Age.

Fortunately there is already a window into this rapidly changing world. In the realm of online games, specifically massively multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPGs), leaders emerge that deftly navigate the motivational, emotional and social needs of their direct reports in a highly competitive, distributed, virtual environment. And there are many lessons to be learned.

That’s why IBM partnered with Seriosity Inc., a software company that develops enterprise products and services inspired by online games, to study how leaders operate in these increasingly popular games. Together with experts from Stanford University and MIT, the team captured 50 hours of online game play, surveyed hundreds of gamers, and conducted several interviews of gaming leaders. The objective of the study was twofold: 1.) to better understand how successful leaders behave in online games and 2.) to learn what aspects of game environments leaders leverage to be more effective.

The results are fascinating. Among other things, we learned that the transparent environments created in online games made leadership easier to assume. And that leadership in online games is more temporary and flexible than it is in the business world. And finally, online games give leaders the freedom to fail, and experiment with different approaches and techniques, something that any Fortune 500 company that hopes to innovate needs to understand.

To learn more about the lessons that online games can teach the business leaders of tomorrow, read the GIO gaming report or order a hard copy of the report online. And to read what IBM has learned about its own internal gaming community, read the report from IBM’s Institute of Business Value.
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Fuente: [IBM, vía Biz Deans]

Serious Virtual Worlds Conference 07. 13-14 Septiembre

septiembre 10, 2007

//” porque contiene errores.
//” porque contiene errores.
Aquí tenéis el programa de la conferencia Giunti Labs, Cisco y Coventry University -Serious Game Institute.
Serious Virtual Worlds Conference
The following programme is subject to change.

Day 1 – Thursday 13th September 2007

9.30-10.00 Registration and Coffee
10.00 Welcome to Serious Virtual Worlds Conference David Wortley
Director, Serious Games Institute
10.15 KEYNOTE: Getting Serious about Virtual Worlds Christian Renaud
Chief Architect Networked Virtual Environments, Cisco
10.45 Integrating Mobile and Virtual Worlds Content Management towards Personal Ambient Learning Fabrizio Cardinali
CEO, Giunti Labs, Learn eXact LCMS
Introducing Virtual Worlds – LIVE!
11.15 Second Life Jim Purbrick
Linden Lab
David Burden
Daden Ltd
11.45 Trusim Mary Matthews
12.15 Forterra OLIVE John Burwell
Forterra Inc
12.45-14.00 Lunch & Exhibition
Immersive Environments & Virtual Worlds
14.00 Building the Virtual Worlds Eco-System Ron Edwards
CEO, Ambient Performance
14.30 Virtual World Community Applications Simon Stevens
Wheelies, Second Life
15.00 Flash-based Immersive Environments Kevin Corti
CEO, Pixel Learning
15.30 User-managed Immersive Environments Chris Brannigan
CEO, Caspian Learning
16.00-17.00 Coffee and Second Life Orientation
17.00 Launch of Coventry University’s Second Life Island and the Serious Games Institute Professor Madeleine Atkins
Vice Chancellor, Coventry University
Professor Maggi Savin-Baden
Coventry University
David Burden
MD Daden Ltd
David Wortley
Director, Serious Games Institute
17.30 Smart Building demonstration and tour &

Cocktail Reception: Networking Hour
Held at the Serious Games Institute,
Coventry University Enterprises Ltd
19.00 Serious Virtual Worlds Conference Dinner Location: Ardencote Manor Hotel
Day 2 – Friday 14th September 2007

09.30-10.00 Registration and Coffee
10.00 Introducing Serious Virtual Worlds David Wortley
Director, Serious Games Institute
10.15 KEYNOTE: Digital Earth and Virtual Worlds Dr. Tim Foresman
Digital Earth
10.45 Virtual World Community Applications Prof Lizbeth Goodman
Director, SmartLab
11.15-11.40 Coffee
11.40 Serious Medical Uses of VW Dr. LeRoy Heinrich
Stanford Medical School
12.10 Virtual Disaster Management Richard Smithies
12.40-14.00 Lunch and Exhibition
Serious Virtual Worlds in Business Chair: Dick Davies
Ambient Performance
14.00 Virtual Worlds for Business in Second Life Claus Nehmzow
PA Consulting
14.30 Virtual Worlds for Corporate Collaboration Roo Reynolds
15.00 Panel Session With Claus Nehmzow, Roo Reynolds, LeRoy Heinrich, Rob Edmunds
15.15-15.45 Coffee
Serious Virtual Worlds in Education Chair: Sara de Freitas
Director of Research, Serious Games Institute
15.45 Virtual Worlds in Education Dave Taylor
National Physical Laboratory
16.05 LogiCity – A real-life climate change game Majid Al-Kader
16.25 Applying Serious Games to Curriculum for Excellence Jim Piggot
16.35 Panel session With Dave Taylor, Majid Al-Kader, Jim Pigott, David Furmage
17.00 Closing Remarks Professor Madeleine Atkins
Vice Chancellor, Coventry University

También tenéis la noticia en Press Release de FastPitch
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Fuente: []

Second Life Grid: Education, Global Provider, Open Source, Solution Provider y API

septiembre 5, 2007

//” porque contiene errores.//” porque contiene errores.

The Second Life Grid

1) Los programas:

Linden Lab provides programs to support the development of content on the Second Life Grid and to better enable businesses to bring their community onto the Second Life Grid.

  • Education and Non-Profit Program – provides services to support the use of the Second Life Grid for education and non-profit use.
  • Global Provider Program – provides support and services for those localizing Second Life to bring a community using a specific language onto the Second Life Grid.
  • Open Source Program – provides resources to developers working on Linden Lab’s open source products.
  • Solution Provider Program – provides services including directory listing to individuals or companies, which create content and presence on the Second Life Grid for others.
  • API Program – provides APIs that enable services using the Second Life G

2) Qué es?

The Second Life Grid is a full-featured service platform of revolutionary technologies that support the globally renowned virtual world experience, Second Life. The Grid offers a comprehensive system of infrastructure, consumer features, tools, and services that allows any organization to provide its own unique immersive experience in the world’s largest interconnected virtual world.

What is the difference between Second Life and the Second Life Grid?
Second Life is the showcase virtual world WHERE end users can create an infinite variety of content and participate in a robust virtual economy, free of traditional social and technological restrictions. The Second Life Grid is WHAT makes Second Life possible: a service platform that provides scalable server infrastructure, highly detailed and configurable features, field-proven customer service tools, and a massive existing base of end users and user-created content that can be leveraged in your own virtual world offering.

Read more about our System Features

3) El programa de educación y ongs….

Education & Non-Profit Organizations



The Second Life Grid provides a unique and flexible platform for educators interested in distance learning, computer supported cooperative work, simulation, new media studies, and corporate training.

Create a safe environment to enhance experiential learning, allowing individuals to practice skills, try new ideas, and learn from their mistakes. Prepare your students or employees for real-world experiences by using Second Life as a simulation!

Students and Educators can work together on the Second Life Grid from anywhere in the world as part of a globally networked virtual classroom environment. Using the Second Life Grid as a supplement to traditional classroom environments also provides new opportunities for enriching an existing curriculum. Many universities and educational institutions are already using the Second Life Grid, and you can find an updated list of them here.

There are many options for Educators looking to explore and create learning spaces on the Second Life Grid. Here is a comprehensive list of resources to help you get started.

(leer más…)

Fuente: [Second Life Grid]

Blackboard: The Greenhouse Grant for Virtual Worlds. $25,000 (USD)

agosto 3, 2007

We have created a special Greenhouse Program™ grant, The Greenhouse Grant for Virtual Worlds, to foster greater educational innovation with virtual worlds such as Active Worlds, There and Second Life. Blackboard is funding a single $25,000 (USD) grant for initiatives that promote the integration of virtual worlds into teaching and learning. We seek initiatives that will:

  • Enhance the student experience
  • Leverage existing teaching and learning strategies and best practices
  • Integrate virtual worlds and Blackboard Enterprise Software [1] through Blackboard Building Blocks™ and Blackboard PowerLinks™
  • Make results/output available to the Blackboard client community
Deadline for Submissions is September 24, 2007

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Fuente: [blackboard]

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Second Life …y enseñanza?:Sloodle receives £80K funding in major 3D elearning research drive

junio 18, 2007

Hace ya un montón de tiempo, el lunes 23 de octubre de 2006 [link] Sloddle. Fusión de Moodle con Second Life. ¿Qué os parece? hablamos de Sloddle, una fusión de moodle con el MMO (acrónimo de massively multiplayer online worlds) más famoso por campaña mediática, aunque no en número de usuarios. Hace poco en el blog de Om Malik GigaOM el post Top 10 Most Popular MMOs. World of Warcraft, lanzado en 2004 – 8.5 millones de suscriptores activos.
2. Habbo Hotel, lanzado en 2000 – 7.5 millones de suscriptores activos.
3. RuneScape, released 2001 – 5 millones de suscriptores activos.
4. Club Penguin, released 2006 – 4 millones de suscriptores activos.
5. Webkinz, released 2005 – 3.8 millones de suscriptores activos.
9. Lineage I/II, lanzando en 1998 que ahora tiene 1 millón de suscriptores activos
10. Second Life, lanzado en 2003 – 0,5 millones de suscriptores activos.

Ya sabemos, hace tiempo, que los caracteres mediáticos de marketing, estudios de mercado, se han heredado (con algunas minucias de diferencias) de los antiguos modelos de los medios de comunicación. Vamos a ver, alguien, inocencia dixit, pensaba que un mundo virtual de cartón piedra y espacios colonizados, economizados, …vamos que hay que pagar para existir…algo diferenciaría el mundo «virtual» del «real»?

A lo que íbamos que era la noticia…ya vendran los links, las recomendaciones y los desbarres…
1) Sloodle receives £80K funding in major 3D elearning research drive

Eduserv has announced awards totalling £333,000 (UK£) to fund four research projects, each of which involve investigations into the use of virtual worlds in learning and education.

The projects include a mix of academic research and actual software projects. Of particular interest to us is that Sloodle is one of the 4 successful projects. Sloodle integrates Moodle with the Second Life virtual world.

This achieved in a number of ways including:

Mundos virtuales… a por Second Life!!: IBM y Sun Microsystem

May 9, 2007

Si tenemos clones de digg hasta en la sopa, nos esperan clones de Mundos virtuales (MOO), aunque algunos crean que los mundos virtuales nacieron con Second Life, nada más lejos de la realidad. Lo importante es ver como se establecen las estrategias de comunicación y educación internas en las empresas, algo que se olvida frecuentemente rentabilizar de una forma adecuada, que fomente la participación real. Claro, que a muchos les asusta dar participación a los trabajadores en el desarrollo comunicativo tanto interno como externo de la empresa.

En fin, hoy traemos tres enlaces:

1) Sun Microsystems prepara un mundo virtual para negocios ; vía mundo virtual un interesante blog de periodista digital

Según InformationWeek, Sun prepara un nuevo entorno virtual diseñado para permitir el trabajo colaborativo y está usando para ello toda la tecnología que tiene a su alcance. Tiene la intención de crear un espacio que pueda ser usado como oficina virtual, donde mostrar presentaciones, modificar hojas de cálculo o documentos, etc.

2) IBM Rolls Its Own Virtual World en clickable culture written by Tony Walsh

//” porque contiene errores. IBM staffers have created their own metaverse, according to eightbar, a blog authored by staffers of the company’s «Innovate Quick» team. IBM recently announced plans to roll out a high-powered server capable of running massive virtual worlds, and has been tinkering with Second Life for about a year.

The IBM-created virtual world was spurred by «a desire to have a more secure intranet environment where [the team] can meet and explore the potential technology and social implications,» writes eightbar contributor Ian Hughes, adding that «We in the IQ team are certainly not trying to be Second Life. We are however using some of the elements of virtual presence, and examining the potential balance of content creation versus deployable content in a business context.»

3) Más allá de dos grandes empresas tomando posiciones, no podía faltar un artículo . En este caso de 1996 en cinemaspace.berkeley
The Purpose of MOOs
by Rachel Rein
created May 1996
updated Wednesday, 12 November 1997

Fuente: [clickable culture y mundo virtual]

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Second Life:Quien dijo que cualquier producto humano no adolecería de sus virtudes y defectos?

marzo 5, 2007

No se puede mostrar la imagen
Quizá hoy me he levantado con una vena teológica demasiado fuerte, aquí tenéis algunos enlaces «curiosos» sobre Second Life, de los que habría mucho que discutir, a propósito de un artículo en Los Angeles Times. Hay algunos que piensan que debido al exceso de sexo y violencia, los docentes abandonaran, incluso antes de haberlo adoptado, Second Life, exceso de violencia y sexo (vamos!!! como la vida real, ¿por eso abandonaremos también los colegios, los institutos y la Universidad?). Mientras tanto, leamos y veamos y juguemos :

1) En Los Angeles Times: Virtual loses its virtues

By Alana Semuels, Times Staff Writer
February 22, 2007

LIKE any pioneer, Marshal Cahill arrived in a new world curious and eager to sample its diversions. Over time, though, he saw an elite few grabbing more than their share.

They bought up all the plum real estate. They awarded building contracts to friends. They stifled free speech.

Cahill saw a bleak future, but he felt powerless to stop them. So he detonated an atomic bomb outside an American Apparel outlet. Then another outside a Reebok store.

2) En The Blog Herald:Terrorism 2.0 Or Angry Cybergeeks?(SecondLife) Feb 25 at 2:40 am by Darnell Clayton

In an age where Web 2.0 gives every user a voice, apparently some users on SecondLife feel left out of the important decisions that affect their way of digital life.

Feeling the need to communicate their frustration, it seems that one group has decided to fight back by making a nuclear bomb.

3) En el blog : Second Life Liberation Army . The SLLA is a national liberation movement working towards establishing citizens rights within Second Life
No se puede mostrar la imagen

Fuente: [varias]

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