Archive for the ‘wordpressmu’ Category

WordPress, Matt Mullenweg y redes sociales: Backing BuddyPress

marzo 7, 2008

Aquí tenéis una noticia sobre WordPress y Backing BuddyPress, la visión clara de esta persona me tiene cada vez más perplejo…junto con la visión de Lawrence Lessig, son las visiones más cercanas a mi forma de entender este mundo…que desde luego no es tan clarificadora.
[la imagen es del EBE07] con Matt entre famosos blogueros en castellano…
La noticia va sobre la compra por Automattic, la empresa de Matt, de BudyPress, la creación de una red social basada en WordPresmu (multiusuario).

Some of you may remember when I wrote about Chickspeak, a WordPress MU-based social network. Andy Peatling, the fellow behind it, later decided to recreate the work he had done as an Open Source effort he called BuddyPress. And it was good.
Today I’m happy to announce that Andy has joined Automattic full-time and we’ll be taking the BuddyPress project under our wing. We will grow it and support it the same way we support WordPress, MU, bbPress, Akismet, and more.

It’s clear that the future is social. Connections are key. WordPress MU is a platform which has shown itself to be able to operate at Internet-scale and with BuddyPress we can make it friendlier. Someday, perhaps, the world will have a truly Free and Open Source alternative to the walled gardens and open-only-in-API platforms that currently dominate our social landscape.(leer más…)

Fuente: [photomatt] [imagen flickr]