Archive for diciembre 2006

ElNet: The Elearning Network of Australasia

diciembre 31, 2006

The Elearning Network of Australasia (ElNet) is an independent community of elearning professionals working in a range of corporate, government and educational organisations. Browse the news and resources or, if you’re not a member yet, join the network and gain access to our online community and other benefits.
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Click here to join ElNet (pdf).

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Fuente: [ElNet]

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Learning 2.0 : Make "play" your New Year’s resolution. 9-Jan-2007

diciembre 30, 2006

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Learning 2.0 : Make «play» your New Year’s resolution

Date : Jan 09, 2007
Start Time : 8 a.m. Pacific
Length : 01:00:00

As the Nationwide insurance commercials taunt «life comes at you fast», it’s time for librarians to jump into the knowledge pool of Web 2.0 technologies and discover how these tools are changing the way many library users communicate, collaborate and receive information. Helene Blowers, Technology Director for the Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County shares insights and best practices around the creation of Learning 2.0, an online self-discovery program designed to encourage staff to explore new technologies (blogs, wikis, podcasts etc.) and reward them for «play.»
Join us for this informative session and then think about adding another resolution to your personal New Year’s list… cause it’s true, life (as well as new technology) does come at you fast!

Helene Blowers —Technology Director, Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County

Helene Blowers is the Director of Technology at The Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County. As Technology Director, Helene has been responsible for the development and creation of technology training programs, as well as the library’s award winning web sites. She is co-author of the book, Weaving a Library Web: A Guide to Developing Children’s Websites. She is also the founder of Learning 2.0 (leer más…)

Fuente: [sirsidynixinstitute]

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diciembre 29, 2006

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Salón profesional y foro de e-learning, se consolida como la mayor feria comercial que se realiza en España dedicada a aspectos del Corporate Training, centrada en e-learning.

El VI Congreso EXPOELEARNING 2007 se realizará a lo largo de tres días (del 22 al 24 de Marzo, en la Fira de Barcelona, Palacio de Congresos), en los que, como hemos ido haciendo en anteriores ediciones, encontraremos temas de máxima actualidad, convirtiendo la ciudad de Barcelona en la ciudad de referencia del e-Learning en España por unos días.

EXPOELEARNING se ha convertido en la cita obligada para los profesionales y empresas del sector, posicionándose como el encuentro más importante celebrado en España, para propiciar el conocimiento mutuo y la colaboración entre los agentes implicados: profesionales, empresas, centros de formación, instituciones y usuarios del e-learning.

Con un programa de conferencias, trabajado a fondo, y con un espacio para exposición. Consigue unir lo complicado de la planificación, el diseño, la dirección y la implementación del e-learning. Lo mejor del evento es el contacto directo con los compañeros que pueden ayudarte a moverte en el siguiente escalón de tu experiencia en e-learning o simplemente a que te decidas a iniciarte en el sector.

En las conferencias se debate sobre diferentes implantaciones y visiones de e-learning. Son conferencias de alto nivel didáctico, con las mejores prácticas en los campos específicos:(leer más…)

Fuente: [expoelearning]

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L’année 2006 du e-learning : des progrès partout, mais vers quoi ? Les priorités de Thot pour 2007.

diciembre 28, 2006

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Par Denys Lamontagne – ©Thot/Cursus 20-12-2006

Belle année 2006 !

Tous nos indicateurs sont demeurés au vert, au vert éclatant même : nombre d’institutions de formation en ligne, nombre de cours offerts, qualité des cours offerts, nombre de fournisseurs, nombre d’utilisateurs, nombre de projets, etc. L’activité générale est foisonnante.

On constate même que plusieurs institutions traditionnelles commencent à intégrer la e-formation dans leurs stratégies de développement; à preuve les institutions qui prennent entente avec d’autres ou créent des antennes locales pour diffuser leurs cours ou encore ces régions rurales qui utilisent la solution e-formation pour garder leurs écoles ouvertes ou retenir les compétences dans leur région.

Du coté des entreprises on observe une utilisation de plus en plus fréquente de la formule e-learning, rapide ou étendue, d’appoint ou de base; sa souplesse et sa précision sont ses qualités les plus appréciées. (leer más…)

Fuente: [Thot ]

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5th Conference on "e-Learning Applications". 14-15 January 2007

diciembre 28, 2006

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Mission and Objectives

  1. Enhance understanding of e-Learning and the related technologies (including the internet)
  2. Provide an overview of the current available applications and projects for e-learning at various levels:
    Government, NGOs, Private Sector, Educational institutes and other stakeholders.
  3. To share and stimulate research and applications in e-Learning throughout the region.
  4. To enhance business vision, creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship and regional development

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Fuente: [ american university in cairo]

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Felicidades a toda la comunidad sorda

diciembre 27, 2006

Fuente: [diariosigno]

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Is ‘Web 2.0’ Another Bubble?. Todd Dagres y David Hornik en The Wall Street Journal

diciembre 27, 2006

The Wall Street Journal Online nos ha dignado con un artículo con Todd Dagres y David Hornik sobre si la web 2.0 es otra burbuja, como las punto com. Os dejo las dos primeras intervenciones
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The Wall Street Journal Online invited two technology venture capitalists, who were active in the dot-com days and have invested in the current crop of startups, to debate the topic. Todd Dagres spent nearly a decade at Battery Ventures before starting Spark Capital last year. David Hornik, a partner at August Capital and a former Silicon Valley attorney, writes the popular VentureBlog. Their conversation, carried out over email, is below.

[Todd Dagres]

Mr. Dagres begins: Web 2.0 is a bubble for 3 reasons: 1) There is far too much money chasing Web 2.0 deals. Too much money means too many companies getting funded at higher valuations. 2) There are virtually no barriers to entry in Web 2.0 and therefore the ability to develop a unique solution and sustain a competitive advantage is virtually nil. Therefore, it’s difficult for Web 2.0 companies to build long term value. 3) There is very little liquidity in the market for Web 2.0 companies. The Dow was recently at a high and still no liquidity. Without liquidity, Web 2.0 companies must rely on acquisitions to achieve liquidity and this will put a lid on the potential exit options and ultimate valuations of these companies. In short, they will be playing a musical chairs game in which there are far too many players and too few chairs.

There are some similarities between the current «bubble» and the last one that burst in 2000: Lots of incomplete and under-experienced teams, business models based more on eyeballs than cash flow, and a rash of incremental and «me too» deals.


Todd Dagres is a founder and general partner of Spark Capital in Boston. His investments at Spark include Veoh Networks and Menara. From 1995 to 2004, Mr. Dagres was a general partner at Battery Ventures, where he focused on the media, entertainment and communications industries. His investments at Battery included Akamai Technologies and Qtera, which was sold to Nortel for stock initially worth $3.25 billion.
David Hornik is a general partner with August Capital in Menlo Park, Calif. His investments include Technorati and Tickle, and he is a board member at Six Apart and VideoEgg. Prior to joining August Capital in 2000, he was an intellectual property and corporate attorney in Silicon Valley. Mr. Hornik teaches business and law at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business and writes VentureBlog.

[David Hornik]

Mr. Hornik responds: I do not believe that the existence of too much venture capital money chasing too few interesting ideas constitutes a bubble. The Web 1.0 bubble inflated because the public markets were willing to bet on unproven ideas. Public markets are ill suited to evaluating such risks. On the other hand, the venture capital community exists precisely to take on that risk. While many Web 2.0 companies will fail, they will not likely fail in significantly greater proportions than has been the case with other venture investments historically. So it is hard to imagine how this so-called bubble will over-inflate. Venture capitalists will rationally stop investing in ideas that don’t bear fruit. Those that do bear fruit will gain traction and either be acquired or go public. Those are the traits of a rational market in my mind.

(leer más…)

Fuente: [the wall street journal]

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Cursos Gratuitos: Educación en Línea sobre Seguridad Informática

diciembre 27, 2006

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Aprenda todo lo que necesita para protegerse de los códigos maliciosos en un solo lugar

Te damos la bienvenida al sistema de educación en línea sobre seguridad informática de Eset Latinoamérica, donde podrás tomar nuestros cursos gratuitos para ampliar tus conocimientos en el área.

Nuestros contenidos de educación te permitirán incorporar conceptos básicos sobre la seguridad, a través de los cuales podrás aprovechar Internet al máximo sin preocuparte de las amenazas informáticas.

Si es tu primera vez en nuestro sistema, te recomendamos revisar nuestra demostración en línea, para aprender cómo funciona, y comenzar rápidamente con tu capacitación. Si ya estás registrado, simplemente ingresa tu usuario y contraseña en el formulario de autentificación.(leer más…)

Fuente: [eset]

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Epistemic games

diciembre 26, 2006

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How can we make sure that our kids are learning to be creative thinkers in a world of global competition?

Epistemic games are computer games that can help students learn to think like engineers, urban planners, journalists, architects, and other innovative professionals, giving them the tools they need to survive in a changing world.

Based on more than a decade of research in technology, game science, and education, epistemic games revolutionize the ongoing debate about the pros and cons of digital learning to show the future of education in the digital age.(leer más…)

Fuente: []

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Education 2.0: The next evolution of school software has arrived

diciembre 25, 2006

Aquí tenéis un enlace a eSchool news online, a un artículo titulado: «Education 2.0: The next evolution of school software has arrived«By Corey Murray, Senior Editor, eSchool News
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Emergence of open technologies and open-source alternatives makes customizing school software a reality
By Corey Murray, Senior Editor, eSchool News

Aiming to customize their solutions to meet the individual needs of teachers and students, a growing number of school systems are ushering in a new breed of school software that relies on open technologies–whether it’s open-source software on their servers and desktops, or so-called Web 2.0 services available free of charge online. Economics and advancements in technology are fueling this latest trend in school software, proponents of the movement say–but it’s also about customization, and the desire to employ a variety of solutions as users see fit.
December 15, 2006—At the Plano Independent School District in Texas, Associate Superintendent for Technology and Academic Services Jim Hirsch is preparing for the future.

At a time when the internet, once strictly an informational resource, is being transformed into a virtual hub of web-based services and applications–giving users viable alternatives to expensive, proprietary school software applications–Hirsch has been traveling the country, talking to colleagues and painting a picture of what he sees as the next evolution in educational technology. (leer más…)

Fuente: [eschoolnews]

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