Archive for the ‘metodologías’ Category

Learning 2.0 formal methodologies? y 2006:End of traditional e-learning

abril 25, 2008

Lectura para hoy doble…. El primero un post antiguo con su ilustración sobre el fin del e-learning tradicional…el post es de 2006 , el segundo es de hace 8 días..dos años después.

1) Del blog «The Official Blog of PanKap (Technology,Education,Ideas,India)». In my effort to understand something known as education – Kapil Bhatia el post titulado:

2006:End of traditional e-learning

Quite a bold statement.I am assuming that e-learning stands for electronic (not enhanced) learning through Internet, school network,CD-ROM, interactive conferences, or sateEnlacellite broadcast.I strongly feel this model is not going to work in future.

People are already talking about e-learning 2.0.What exactly is e-learning 2.0 ?I really like the «c-learning» notation. First of all,I want to convey that e-learning 2.0 or whatever you want to call it…The base technologies will remain same.Internet will be there(or better bandwidth and reach…From India’s perspective),CD-ROM will be there (may be DVDs or blu-Ray) or VSATs..or VOIPs. (leer más…) Fuente:[The Official Blog of PanKap]

2) Del blog de Viplav Baxi’s Meanderings …where technology meets learning traemos el post Learning 2.0 formal methodologies?

Jane Hart, in response to my comment on Manish’s blog post, was wondering what I meant by structured construction and tracking models for teaching-learning in a Learning 2.0 world. I guess this is as good a time as any to start throwing some ideas around for discussion. Thanks Jane, for forcing me to think harder!

Let us first look at teaching-learning activities and see if we can identify some of the key components of these activities.

Goals/Object of Learning

In any learning activity, the goal is to learn. There could be other activities where learning is incidentally acquired, but that is not my focus. One of the outcomes of learning could be performance improvements in the workplace, but there could be many others. For this post, I want to focus on the former. Within these outcomes of a learning activity, there could be performance improvements in attitude, skills or knowledge. This could range from improvements such as being able to operate a software to being able to articulate strategy at varying levels of job roles and competencies. (leer más…) Fuente: [ Viplav Baxi’s Meanderings ]

[5 enlaces][5 links]: Facebook, metodologías, futuro escuela, redes sociales verticales y wiki

octubre 9, 2007

1) Facebook for eLearning evaluations – testing en corporate elearning strategies.

2) Metodologías Educativas en Innovación Educativa.

3) Web 2.0, Entornos de Aprendizaje Personal y el Futuro de la Escuela en Educación y cultura.

4) L’invasion des réseaux sociaux verticaux en

5) La escuela del futuro será un wiki en Pedagogiaren inguruko berrikuntzak sarean

Fuente: [varias]