Archive for abril 2004

abril 30, 2004

[art] Digitization and culture. André Mottart , Ronald Soetaert, Bart Bonamie . Ghent University. Department of Education

“So the sense of possibility could be defined outright as the ability to conceive of everything there might be just as well, and to attach no more importance to what is than to what is not.”

Robert Musil, The Man Without Qualities, p 11

1. Introduction

In this article about digitization and literature, we will reflect upon our experiences in teacher education and literature education. We will make an inventory of what we have learnt along the road, the last few years. It was all about learning, but about unlearning as well. The digitization seemed to cause a daily revolution, questioning at the same time things that were only natural the day before. It has become a cliché to compare this revolution with the advent of he art of printing. (leer más…)

Fuente: [Interactive Educational Multimedia, number 8 (April 2004), pp. 24-38]

abril 29, 2004

[art]Learning by design:Games as learning machines. James Paul Gee. University of Wisconsin-Madison


Many good computer and video games, games like Deus Ex, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, or Rise of Nations, are long, complex, and difficult, especially for beginners. People are not always eager to do difficult things. Faced with the challenge of getting them to do so, two choices are often available. We can force them, which is the solution schools use. Or, a temptation when profit is at stake, we can dumb down the product. Neither option is open to the game industry, at least for the moment. They can’t force people to play and most avid players don’t want their games dumbed down. (leer más…)

Fuente: [International Journal of Intruccional Technology & Distance Learning. Marzo2004]

abril 28, 2004

Variables Related to Interactive Television Teaching Style:In Search of Learner-Centered Teaching Styles. Pamela A. Dupin-Bryant


As supported by many studies, effective distance education revolves around learner-centered teaching styles that decrease psychological distance and increase student participation in the teaching-learning process. Knowing variables that help explain or predict learner-centered teaching styles will help institutions refine their programs to better serve the needs of students. This study identified variables that account for interactive television teaching style. Interactive television instructors (N = 203), representing nine land-grant universities in the United States participated in the study. Regression analysis revealed a six variable model accounted for 37% of the variance in teaching style as measured by the Principles of Adult Learning Scale (PALS), including: (a) training in philosophy, history, and/or foundations of adult/continuing education; (b) interactive classroom type; (c) training in psychology of adult development/learning; (d) training in teaching methods for adults; (e) consultation with other distance education instructors; and (f) training in the development of curricula for distance education courses. Correlational analysis found teaching style was also related to education level, academic rank, teaching experience, and training in teaching methods for distance education. (leer más…)

Fuente:[International Journal of Intruccional Technology & Distance Learning. Marzo2004]

abril 24, 2004

[link] José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero: Nuestro objetivo es alcanzar la media europea de gasto por estudiante al final de la legislatura y llegar al 1,5% del PIB.

En las JORNADAS DE LA CRUE, celebradas el 14 Y 15 DE ENERO DE 2004 Zapatero dió una conferencia con una promesa.

La cumplirá?…, este es un recordatorio por si Zapatero, o alguien de su entorno nos lee hoy que andará en la toma de posesión de Chaves en Sevilla y luego en Marruecos.

Las universidades en la sociedad del conocimiento: financiación de la enseñanza superior y de la investigación.

El secretario general del Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE), José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, expuso las características que, a su entender, debe tener la Universidad de la sociedad del conocimiento: una Universidad abierta que sea capaz de educar a más ciudadanos durante más tiempo, atenta a la formación permanente; un sistema universitario en el que se garantice la igualdad de oportunidades; volcado hacia la investigación, vinculado con nuestras empresas; integrado plenamente en el espacio universitario europeo y que no olvide su vocación iberoamericana.

Tras recordar que la Universidad española desarrolla más del 60% de las actividades que se realizan en el conjunto del Sistema Ciencia-Tecnología español, criticó la actual estructura administrativa y calificó de «inoperante» el Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología que «ha alejado a la Universidad del resto del Sistema». «Para ser más precisos -añadió- los programas de los Planes Nacionales de I+D+i se han ido olvidando de la investigación universitaria. La lejanía administrativa se ha traducido en abandono presupuestario».

( leer el texto completo de la conferencia…)

Fuente: [CRUE]

abril 23, 2004

[link] expo dell’educazione e del lavoro

«La riforma del sistema dell’ istruzione, la riforma dell’ università e la riforma del mercato del lavoro introducono dei cambiamenti fondamentali nell’ ambito dell’ educazione e della formazione dei giovani e degli adulti.

Questo significativo processo di riforme implica delle importanti novità nella concezione delle competenze e delle conoscenze di chi opera in questi settori.

Occuparsi di istruzione, di formazione e di lavoro in un contesto come quello attuale, così velocemente in evoluzione, consiste in una vera e propria attività imprenditoriale, profit o non profit, che necessita di una idonea competenza e, in particolare, della conoscenza di tutti gli strumenti e le innovazioni metodologiche, infrastrutturali, gestionali, di servizio, di marketing e di promozione che offre il mercato.» (leer más…)

Fuente: []

abril 22, 2004

[link] La Europa del conocimiento 2020: Una visión de la investigación y la innovación universitarias

La Comisión Europea ha organizado una conferencia que lleva por título «La Europa del conocimiento 2020: Una visión de la investigación y la innovación universitarias» y que se celebrará entre los días 25 y 28 de abril en Lieja, Bélgica. A la reunión asistirán rectores, investigadores, empresarios, responsables políticos y representantes de la sociedad. Se trata de un encuentro de seguimiento de los temas tratados por la comunicación de la Comisión Europea El papel de las universidades en la Europa del conocimiento (5 de febrero de 2003).

En el encuentro, los expertos analizarán el camino que las universidades europeas deben tomar para afrontar los desafíos del siglo XXI. Las universidades, y en concreto sus actividades de investigación, desempeñan un papel fundamental en la Europa de economía basada en el conocimiento que se fijó como objetivo para 2010 en el Consejo Europeo de Lisboa (marzo de 2000).

La conferencia se dividirá en una serie de sesiones paralelas en torno a los siguientes temas: la creación y certificación del conocimiento; el carácter variable de la formación investigadora; las asociaciones públicas y privadas en investigación e innovación; la investigación universitaria y el desarrollo local y regional, y el desafío de la investigación interdisciplinaria. Cada sesión será la culminación de un extenso ejercicio de consultas que comenzó con las aportaciones recibidas de toda Europa, a las que siguieron ocho seminarios intensivos temáticos desarrollados entre septiembre de 2003 y enero de 2004.

Fuente: [CRUE]

abril 21, 2004

[not] V Jornadas Latinoamericanas de estudios sociales de la ciencia y la tenología

Las jornadas ESOCITE son un espacio de presentación y discusión de resultados de investigación así como de reflexión acerca de las actividades científicas y tecnológicas principalmente en América Latina.

En esta ocasión, el tema principal es «La construcción de la tecnociencia en la sociedad latinoamericana contemporánea».

Los ejes temáticos abordarán:

1) Los procesos tecnocientí­ficos.

2) Las relaciones entre las disciplinas cientí­ficas y la industria.

3) El Estado de la sociedad del conocimiento en América Latina.

4) La Tecnociencia-Ambiente-Sociedad.

5) La Tecnociencia y su localización/deslocalización espacio-temporal.

6) La Tecnociencia.

7) Políticas públicas.

8) Participación política y democracia.

9) La Etica y juridización de la tecnociencia y la Epistemología.

10) Ciencias sociales y tecnociencia.(leer más…)

Fuente: [AAT]

abril 20, 2004

Comparative Analysis of Face-to-Face and Online Course Offerings: King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals Experience. S. Junaidu and J. AlGhamdi


This paper compares face-to-face (F2F) teaching and online facilitation of a Data Structures course at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM). Participants were undergraduate full-time students of our Computer Science and Computer Engineering BS programs. We analyzed final exam grades and the students? cumulative GPAs over five semester pairs. The results show that the CGPAs of the online students and the corresponding course GPAs were higher in four of the five semester pairs studied. This may be attributed to the students? ability, the lab component in the online offerings (there was no lab in the F2F offerings), the increased number of quizzes and homework assignments in the online offerings or attributed to a synergy of all these. (leer más…)

Fuente: [INternational Journal of Intruccional Technology & Distance Learning]

abril 19, 2004

[not] X Congreso Internacional de Educación Electrónica, Virtual y a Distancia.Del 9 al 11 de Junio de 2004.Cartagena de Indias (Colombia)

Del 9 al 11 de Junio de 2004 se llevará cabo el más importante evento de Latinoamérica en tele educación: El TELE.EDU2004, X Congreso Internacional de Educación Electrónica, Virtual y a Distancia. La sede será el Hotel Caribe de la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias (Colombia). Se esperan más de 200 participantes y expertos en aprendizaje electrónico. (E-learning/E-training/E-government).

El objetivo es informar e intercambiar experiencias entre los participantes sobre innovaciones en diseño de contenidos, de servicios y nuevas tecnologías para la implementación de plataformas E-learning, E-training, E-government y soluciones para educación virtual, electrónica y a distancia apropiadas a un entorno global. (leer más…)

Fuente: []

abril 18, 2004

[ent] l From the President column of the March 2004 Perspectives. A Life with the Archives by Jonathan Spence in conversation with Judith Schiff

«The president-elect of the AHA has to absorb an awful lot of things in the first few months that follow the election. I found that I spent almost the whole of that period trying to get up to speed—or at least beyond a crawl—on an incredible range of projects, reports, analyses, subcommittees, briefings, linked affiliations, policy shifts, and financial details, all of which were handled with apparent insouciance by the dazzlingly effective staff. At the same time, I gradually came to realize that the pages of Perspectives were open to one as well, should one find that one had something to say that seemed to fit that informal and energizing format. My two immediate predecessors, Lynn Hunt and James McPherson, used the pages of Perspectives to share their thoughts on many matters concerning the writing of history, not excluding political and social commentary. I however was not sure I had anything to say that I had not already said elsewhere. But then came the news from the unfolding war in Iraq, which forced me to think not only of the human casualties but also of libraries, museums, and archives in Baghdad and elsewhere, about how precious they are and how fragile despite their bulk, and how little is sometimes known about their contents. I began to think: archives, collections, acquisitions, artifacts, preservation, distribution, shelving, storage, classification. I began to think «Public History.» And a name popped into my head right away: Judith Schiff. In all the years I had known Judy—and they were many—despite all our conversations on historical materials, our shared projects, our discussions of students’ essay topics, our membership in the same group of fellows in the same residential college, I had never asked her about how she came to be doing the work she had done so long and so well as chief research archivist at Yale. Now I did ask her, and this is what she told me:

(leer más…)

Fuente: [American Historical Association]