Archive for the ‘mediawiki’ Category

Universal Wiki converter

abril 1, 2007
De the atlassian developper blogs el post titulado UWC Update

We last mentioned the Universal Wiki Converter back in August, and I’m here to check in with a report from the field. The Universal Wiki Converter was, as we hoped, extremely popular. We’ve seen a lot of interest since we published it. We started with three conversion formats (TWiki, PMWIki and DokuWiki) and we just added a very popular fourth this week: MediaWiki. We also have three other converters in development right now that we hope to have ready fairly soon.

We’ve already heard from several customers who have used the converters successfully, and no doubt there are more examples out there. One of the most gratifying moments came when I was talking to a customer at the Office 2.0 Conference last week. They had just purchased Confluence, partly because we had been able to successfully convert their old wiki with the UWC. And we never would have known about that if I hadn’t run into that customer at the conference. So if you’ve used the UWC to convert a wiki in your organization, we’d love to hear about your experience.

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Fuente: [atlassian developper blogs]

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