Archive for agosto 2006

[art] Berners-Lee calls for Web 2.0 calm

agosto 31, 2006
Foto: [vía]
Familiarity breeds contempt
By Gavin Clarke in San Francisco ? More by this author
Published Wednesday 30th August 2006 22:48 GMT

Analysis Five years after the first internet bubble burst, we’re now witnessing the backlash against Web 2.0 and a plethora of me-too business plans, marketing pitches and analyst reports exploiting the nebulous phrase.

Tim Berners-Lee, the individual credited with inventing the web and giving so many of us jobs, has become the most prominent individual so-far to point out that the Web 2.0 emperor is naked. Berners-Lee has dismissed Web 2.0 as useless jargon nobody can explain and a set of technology that tries to achieve exactly the same thing as «Web 1.0.»

According to this transcript, Berners-Lee was reacting to an IBM developerWorks pod cast interviewer who’d categorized Web 1.0 as connected computers and making information available, and Web 2.0 as connecting people and facilitating new kinds of collaboration. Those who remember the empowering effects of Netscape and the moment email became more than just borrowing your mate’s CompuServe account at work will also recognize such blanket assertions of historical revisionism for what they are.(leer más…)

Fuente: [the register]

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[not] Public Consultation on Content Online in the Single Market

agosto 30, 2006


Content Online
//” porque contiene errores.
In this page you can find information about:

* Public Consultation on Content Online in the Single Market
* Film Online: What policy should the European Union put in place vis-à-vis the market for films on-line? The Europe Day at the Cannes Film Festival and the Leadership Summit on Film Online …
* You can find information on the issue of DRM (Digital Rights Management) in the e-Europe 2005 website

Public Consultation on Content Online in the Single Market

A public consultation on ways to stimulate the growth of a true EU single market for online digital content, such as films, music and games, was launched by the European Commission.

The Commission intends to encourage the development of innovative business models and to promote the cross-border delivery of diverse online content services. It is also keen to ascertain how European technologies and devices can be successful in the creative online content markets. Input to this consultation will help shape a Commission Communication on Content Online, due to be adopted at the end of the year.

The deadline for replies to the consultation questionnaire is 13 October 2006.

Press release IP/06/1071

Questionnaire German English French

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Fuente: [audiovisual and media policies]

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[art] Un millón de miradas para una cartografía de los derechos humanos Por Pablo Mancini.

agosto 30, 2006

Lunes 28 de Agosto de 2006 – (Cultura digital)

Un Millón de MiradasMañana, martes 29 de agosto de 2006, la Oficina de Derechos Humanos de la Secretaría de Cultura y Educación de la ciudad de Rosario presentará el proyecto Un Millón de Miradas, una iniciativa online que integrará mapas virtuales y blogs para que los ciudadanos se expresen sobre los derechos humanos.

Con el objetivo construir una conceptualización dinámica y colectiva sobre Derechos Humanos y Ciudadanía, Un Millón de Miradas propone que los contenidos del sitio sean producidos por las personas que decidan participar e involucrase en ese millón de perspectivas: “cada cual ve la ciudad que está frente a sus ojos, la que habita, la que anda y recorre todos los días, pero no es menos real la ciudad que sueña, la que imagina y la que desea”, invitan desde el sitio.

El funcionamiento será muy simple: se trata de un mapa de la ciudad de Rosario construido por un millón de píxeles, donde cada internauta podrá elegir un píxel. Por cada píxel elegido se creará un blog. Así las cosas, cada rosarina, cada rosarino, podrá publicar textos, citas, poesías, animaciones digitales, dibujos, fotos y materiales multimedia para expresar su mirada sobre los derechos humanos en la ciudad.

(leer más…)

Fuente: []

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[not] Oklahoma State University Teams with Desire2Learn

agosto 29, 2006

AUGUST 29, 2006 – 11:10 ET
//” porque contiene errores.
Oklahoma State University has selected a solution from Desire2Learn to replace WebCT & Blackboard, and provide 10,000 online courses to 30,000 students campus wide

KITCHENER-WATERLOO, ONTARIO–(CCNMatthews – Aug. 29, 2006) – Desire2Learn, a world-leading provider of enterprise eLearning solutions announced today that the Oklahoma State University has selected Desire2Learn’s Learning Environment to provide over 10,000 courses to 30,000 students institution wide.

In early December 2005, the Oklahoma State University created a Course Management System (CMS) task force, who were charged with selecting an innovative single course management system that would replace the existing platform. After a thorough evaluation including a number of vendors, Desire2Learn’s Learning Environment was selected as the Course Management System of choice amongst Oklahoma State University’s task force, faculty and students.

«Desire2Learn had an extensive array of tools and functionality that met or exceeded all the needs of our administration, instructors and students for today and the future,» insists Samantha Krawczyk, Information Technology Manager at Oklahoma State University. «However, what really set Desire2Learn apart from the incumbent was that Desire2Learn truly believes in developing tools to drive pedagogy. It is this focus on enhancing teaching and learning as well as meeting client requirements that is extremely important to us.»(leer más…)

Fuente: [ccnmatthews]

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[post] E-Learning Is the Future and the Future Is Now

agosto 29, 2006

by Michael Sexton

If you ask 10 people to name the greatest business thinker of the last century, I am willing to bet that at least eight of them, and maybe all 10, will pick Peter Drucker.

There’s a very good reason. Drucker invented the modern science of management in 1954 when he wrote The Practice of Management. When he later wrote The Effective Executive in 1965, he set the course for thousands of books about executive excellence that followed.

Drucker consistently anticipated the future – an ability that stayed with him undiminished until he passed away last year at the age of 95.
(leer más…)

Fuente: [The Trump Blog]

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[not] Seguimos con la serpiente del verano. Blackboard y las patentes. Del Businessweek : "Patent fight over online schooling"

agosto 28, 2006

Seguimos con la serpiente del verano. Blackboard y las patentes. Del Businessweek : «Patent fight over online schooling». Desde que el 28 de Julio referenciamos la noticia Blackboard patenta «los métodos y sistemas de apoyo» a la … ha llovido mucho en la red aquí tenéis un enlace a un artículo aparecido en el Businessweek online.

Y para completar otros dos enlaces a :Blackboard: A Good Investment? de Stephen’s web y a Blackboard E-Learning Patent de O’Reilly Radar

The Associated Press/
AP Education Writer

AUG. 27 2:45 P.M. ET Every day, millions of students taking online college courses act in much the same way as their bricks-and-mortar counterparts. After logging on, they move from course to course and do things like submit work in virtual drop boxes and view posted grades — all from a program running on a PC.

It may seem self-evident that virtual classrooms should closely resemble real ones. But a major education software company contends it wasn’t always so obvious. And now, in a move that has shaken up the e-learning community, Blackboard Inc. has been awarded a patent establishing its claims to some of the basic features of the software that powers online education.

(leer más…)

Fuente: [businessweek]

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[ent] Informal learning: nuevos desafíos para la formación virtual corporativa

agosto 28, 2006

Reportaje a Jay Cross
por Nicolás Hellers (Editor General e-Learning América Latina)

Uno de los principales líderes de opinión en tecnologías de aprendizaje, mejoras de actuaciones laborales y cultura organizacional, dialogó con e-Learning América Latina sobre aprendizaje informal. ¿Puede dársele una intencionalidad a esta modalidad formativa y planificarla de tal manera que no quede librada al azar? ¿Cuál es el rol de los departamentos de formación para que esto ocurra? ¿Cómo puede una organización explicar los beneficios de «intencionar» un aprendizaje que hoy no se mide?

“El nuevo desafío del e-learning es crear espacios de aprendizaje colaborativos en los que el aprendizaje informal pueda crecer”, señaló hace algún tiempo Dori Digenti, presidente de Learning Mastery, impulsando a la formación online dentro de la discusión sobre la efectividad de los diferentes tipos de enseñanza. Un debate en el que también terció el especialista Charles Handy, al asegurar que “el mejor aprendizaje ocurre en la vida real, con los problemas reales y las personas reales, y no en las aulas».(leer más…)

Fuente: [e-learning america latina]

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[art] The Digital Learning Challenge: Obstacles to Educational Uses of Copyrighted Material in the Digital Age

agosto 27, 2006

//” porque contiene errores.
A Foundational White Paper

Hoy os traemos un interesante texto con el siguiente sumario

Table of contents



1. Introduction
1.1. Promise of Digital Learning
1.2. Brief Background About Copyright Law
1.2.1. Copyright Fundamentals
1.2.2. Limits on Copyrights
1.2.3. The Digital Millenium Copyright Act

2. Summaries of Case Studies
2.1. The History Teacher Network: Copyright Law Hampers Teachers’ Sharing of Educational Resources
2.2. DVDs in Film Studies Classes: DRM and the DMCA Interfere with Educational Use of Film Content
2.3. The Database of Recorded American Music: Copyright Burdens Educational Distribution of Music
2.4. WGBH: Statutes Keyed to Outdated Technological Assumptions Prevent Educational Use of Content in Public Broadcasting


3. Obstacle: Uncertain or Unfavorable Copyright Law
3.1. Educational Use Exceptions
3.1.1. The Classroom Use Exception
3.1.2. The TEACH Act
3.1.3. Library and Archives Exception
3.1.4. Public Broadcasting Exception
3.2. The Fair Use Doctrine
3.2.1. Some limited grounds for optimism
3.2.2. Application of the statute
3.2.3. Negotiated guidelines for fair use
3.3. Statutory Damages and Legal Fees
3.4. Education and Copyright Law in Non-U.S. Systems

4. Obstacle: DRM Technology
4.1. Incentives for Rightsholder Use of DRM Systems
4.1.1. Piracy
4.1.2. Price Discrimination
4.1.3. The Effect of Different Markets
4.2. Inducements for Educator Use of DRM Systems
4.2.1. Strict Licensing Requirements
4.2.2. Lawsuit Avoidance
4.2.3. Educator Interest in Protecting Intellectual Property
4.2.4. Educational Impact
4.2.5. Architecture of Course Management Systems

5. Obstacle: Burdensome Rights Clearance Process
5.1. Determining Necessity of a License
5.2. Locating the Rightsholder
5.2.1. Licensing Intermediaries
5.1. Orphan Works
5.3. Negotiating a License
5.4. Paying for a License
5.5. Complying with Other License Conditions

6. Unduly Cautious Gatekeepers
6.1. Universities
6.2. Publishers and Other Distributors
6.3. Insurers


7. Some Paths Toward Reform
7.1. Legal Reform
7.1.1. Targeted Legal Reforms
7.1.2. Broader Legal Reforms
7.1.3. Comprehensive Compulsory Licensing
7.2. Improving the Clearance Process Through Technology
7.3. Developing Educator-Defined Best Practices
7.4. The Promise of More Open Distribution
7.5. Some Areas for Further Study


8. Conclusion

9. Acknowledgements and Contributors

(leer más…)

Fuente: [educause]

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[art] ¿Qué tiene que ver Software Libre con educación?. Federico Heinz

agosto 26, 2006

Artículo escrito por Federico Heinz (foto), presidente de la Fundación Vía Libre situada en Córdoba, Argentina, y publicado en su blog, Federratas.

Más tarde o más temprano, la computadora va a pasar a formar parte del herramental educativo. Una vez que se haya asentado el polvo levantado por los profetas de la panacea electrónica, que pretenden resolver dificultades estructurales del sistema educativo saturándolo de procesadores, podremos ver, sobriamente, que la computadora tiene aplicaciones útiles en el aula, como las tienen el libro y el mapa.

Cuando encaramos la tarea de usar racionalmente recursos informáticos como parte de la experiencia de aprendizaje, hay un aspecto de la computadora que merece especial atención por parte de los educadores: los programas, el software.

Hay quienes creen que el rol de la escuela es formar para el trabajo y la universidad. Si esto es así, si la misión de la escuela es entrenar trabajadores sumisos y baratos para mejorar la rentabilidad de las empresas, entonces no importa qué software usemos. Pero si la idea es educar a ciudadanos libres, conscientes de sus derechos y responsabilidades, capaces de cuestionar la verdad establecida, de apreciar el arte, de imaginar el mundo que desean y aportar a su concreción, entonces es ineludible usar Software Libre: programas que los estudiantes y educadores pueden usar, estudiar, modificar y distribuir a su antojo.
Software para todos y todas (leer más…)

Fuente: [educalibre]

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[tab] 1st European Sakai Day . September 6-7, 2006. Shaping future e-learning in Higher Education

agosto 25, 2006

Sakai Day Lübeck

The 1st European
Sakai Day
September 6-7, 2006

Come to Luebeck
for the 1st European Sakai-Day
Shaping future e-learning in Higher Education

The conference language is English!
Sakai: Collaborative Learning Environment (CLE)

Free to use, free to develop, freedom for education

What is the European Sakai-Day?

Next Generation e-learning is determined substantially by advanced systems integrating collaboration and learning. Covering these challenges will become a critical factor for competitiveness in higher education. Open source solutions for collaborative learning environment will on a strategic level allow universities to share competence and take advantage from existing state-of-the-art-solutions as well as to contribute to the future development of the environment – so enabling the community to participate and to join resources, efforts and knowledge in e-learning.(…)

Sign up to the Sakai Day Mailing list and you will be informed about all details in time and don’t forget to register until August 25, 2006! (leer más…)

Fuente: [oncampus]

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