Archive for the ‘design’ Category

1st. annual Architecture & Design competition in Second Life

agosto 27, 2007

//” porque contiene errores.//” porque contiene errores.

Aquí tenéis un anuncio interesante sobre Second Life. Tienen un blog….aunque de momento no hay nada…lo seguiremos.

Spatially interesting and aesthetically independent pieces of architecture are sought from the inhabitants of the digital parallel world that has almost five million participants. The competition is open for all.

The aim of the competition is to explore new trends of architecture and design on the electronic soil of the MMOG (massive multiplayer online game) of Second Life.

The Austrian artist Stephan Doesinger has begun the First Annual Architecture and Design Competition in Second Life in the virtual world of «Second Life.»

Apart from inworld-Second-Life the competition will also «happen» in the «first world» at the International Ars Electronica Festival in Linz 2007 and at Zollverein Essen with jury discussions, partys, and a great prize ceremony.

Projects will be chosen from five categories:
1) Private Home
2) Corporate Architecture and V-shopping
3) High Rise
4) Landscape Design
5) Freestyle and Special Projects

But there will also be two extra-prizes:
The Prize of the Jury and the Prize chosen by the Second Life online-community.

The winners will receive a worldwide exposure!
1) The projects will be presented at the Ars Electronica festival 2007 (Sept. 5th – 11th, 2007) in Linz Austria, where the jury will be publicly held.
2) The winners will be honoured in an official prize ceremony at the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Zollverein Essen a few weeks later.
3) The results of the competition will be documented in a book which will be published by Prestel publishers in spring 2008.
4) The winning projects will be promoted worldwide and presented in a Hall of Fame on the internet – and of course in Second -Life.

Submission Deadline:
September 1st, 2007

Submit here via online-submission-form!

Fuente: [second life ]

The University of Ottawa wins design award from the Canadian Association for Distance Education

junio 21, 2007

//” porque contiene errores.

OTTAWA, May 18, 2007The University of Ottawa is proud to announce that its Centre for e-Learning, in partnership with a team from the Consortium national de formation en santé (CNFS), has won the Excellence and Innovation in Instructional Design Award from the Canadian Association for Distance Education (CADE).

The primary designers of the project are Rémi Rousseau, instructional designer, and Marc Bélanger, graphic designer, from the Centre for e-Learning; and Lynn Casimiro, Lucie Couturier and Diane Bouchard-Lamothe, project coordinators at the CNFS.

The award was given in Winnipeg on May 15 as part of CADE’s annual conference. The award highlights the quality of a workshop on interprofessional health, a collaborative model adopted by the health system.

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Fuente: [media.uottawa]

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MADinSPAIN international design event

May 17, 2007

//” porque contiene errores.//” porque contiene errores.MadinSpain anuncia su vuelta a Madrid

El Palacio Municipal de Congresos ha sido la localización elegida este año para concentrar a más de 900 personas.

Las entradas del Congreso estarán a la venta a primeros de junio y se podrán adquirir en la web

Madrid, 10 de mayo de 2007

La Comunidad de Madrid no había contado con ningún otro Congreso Internacional de Diseño y desarrollo web hasta que DMSTK ( lo organizó en 2003. MADinSPAIN volverá a Madrid con más fuerza, calidad, asistentes y novedades.
El Congreso concentrará en dos días (21 y 22 de septiembre) a los mejores diseñadores y programadores web internacionales y nacionales del momento que compartirán con más de 900 asistentes sus experiencias, inquietudes e inspiraciones.
El Congreso, que tendrá lugar este año en el Palacio Municipal de Congresos del Campo de las Naciones de Madrid, en horario de 11 de la mañana a 8 de la tarde, pondrá de manifiesto los avances e innovaciones en el ámbito del diseño y arte digital aplicado a las nuevas tecnologías de la información.
Motion Graphics, Flash, Programación Web, Usabilidad, Publicidad Interactiva, Arte Digital…todo tiene cabida en MADinSPAIN siempre que el diseño sea el valor diferencial.

Blog de Prensa:
Página Oficial:
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Fuente: []

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