Archive for the ‘University of Alberta’ Category

Educating through videogames – University of Alberta eLearning Conference

agosto 9, 2007

Como ya hacía mucho tiempo que no tratábamos el tema de los videojuegos y su relación con el mundo educativo hoy os traemos para la lectura un post del blog Level Up- Life in the Video Game Ether, titulado Educating through videogames – University of Alberta eLearning Conference.

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I am a bit late in posting this blog entry, but wanted to share my experience at the eLearning Conference at the University of Alberta in June of this year. I was invited to be the keynote speaker for the event and was happy to participate as education and games is a «hot button» for me. Here is the presentation I gave (click on the title page below to download):

This is an important topic to me personally for many reasons, the least of which is that so many people, and politicians especially, don’t really understand the medium and paint it in the worst possible light. Call it modern politics or ratings grabber, but it stinks all the same. What many people who are on the «outside» of the video game culture don’t understand is that video games can be an expressive and important medium that rates right up there with the best that other mediums have to offer. And, like every type of expressive medium before it, video games have had to go through a trial by fire of those who are afraid, uninformed and prejudiced against the medium. (leer más…)

Fuente: [level-up]

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