Archive for the ‘MMOLG’ Category

[5 enlaces][5 links] Grockit: MMOL – MMOLG – MMPOL Massively Multi Player Online Learning Game

junio 1, 2008

Hoy traemos a nuestra sección [5 enlaces][5 links] un MMOL – MMOLG – MMPOL Massively Multi Player Online Learning Game que está provocando mucha letrilla negra en la blogocosa y la red … Grockit. think. learn. be. Lo primero que me resulta curioso y que es sintomático del estado de la cuestión (game o no game?), es como nombran a Grockit los distintos blogs:

1) MMOLG (Massively Multi Player Online Learning Game)….. en Grockit, TechCrunch y Tecnolives
2) MMOL (Massively Multiplayer Online Learning)
…en Corporate eLearning
3) MMPOL (Massive Multi-Player Online Learning)…en FredCavazza

1) Grockit Raises Series B en Grockit:
We recently raised our Series B financing. We couldn’t be more excited about the firms we are working with. The press release is below.

Grockit, a San Francisco Learning 2.0 Start-Up has raised its Series B financing. Integral Capital Partners lead the $8M round with Benchmark Capital, who lead their Series A, participating as well. Grockit is creating a MMOLG (Massively Multi Player Online Learning Game) where people can connect to learn from each other. The company was founded by Farbood Nivi, a long time teacher, and Michael Buffington, a well known Rails developer. Grockit will use the latest financing to expand their development team and they plan to launch their first product this fall.

2) Grockit Gets $8 Million More For Mysterious Learning Game
en Techcrunch:
We don’t know much about Grockit. The company is creating a new way to get people to learn online, and has spent the last year working away in stealth mode. Whatever it is, it’s apparently impressing investors: Grockit just raised $8 million in Series B funding from Integral Capital and Benchmark Capital, bringing its total to $10.7 million – impressive for a product that has yet to see the light of day.

3) Grockit tiene 8 millones de dolares para crear un MMOLG en Tecnolives:
Grockit es una compañia que fue creada con el fin de crear nuevas vías de aprendizaje online, ahora está desarrollando un MMOLG (Massively Multi Player Online Learning Game) un lugar donde las personas pueden aprender de otras.

4) En este caso un post ya antiguo de Saturday, September 15, 2007 MMOL – Massively Multiplayer Online Learning en Corporate eLearning Strategies and Development:
Summer time is great. July is awesome because it’s time to hit the beach and chill out for a while. But that also means disconnecting from the digital world for a while and missing out on good stuff. Here’s is the first identified «I can’t believe I missed this» casualty from the Summer of 07:
TechCrunch reporting on Grockit raises cash, prepares «Massively Multiplayer Online Learning» product.

I remember reading about Grockit when it first appeared. And I do remember thinking how short-sited to build all that infrastructure yet deliver only ONE type of content…GMAT testing prep.

5) Qu’est-ce que l’Entreprise 2.0 ? en FredCavazza:

Pour en savoir plus, je vous recommande de lire la définition de Wikipedia : Serious Game ; cette simulation de start-up : SpigIt ; ou encore cet article sur des simulations de situations de crise : Emergency Training in Second Life.

Pourquoi ne pas évoquer également le cas de Grockit, une start-up qui propose une solution de v-learning basée sur la collaboration massive, ils appellent ça du MMPOL (Massive Multi-Player Online Learning).

Fuente: [varias]