Archive for the ‘emotional intelligence’ Category

[art] Emotional Intelligence: Stars Have It, You Can, Too

noviembre 7, 2006

Patricia Kitchen
Latest career and workplace articles from Newsday

Patricia Kitchen. October 23, 2006

When it comes to intelligence, it looks as if IQ isn’t everything.

Far from it. Yes, book smarts may be important for getting your foot in the door. But if you want to be successful long-term, you’ll want to have the kinds of social and emotional intelligence that Daniel Goleman spoke of during a recent evening at the Columbia Business School.

Goleman, an author and psychologist, says it’s emotional intelligence – a quality that allows a person to recognize, understand and manage his or her own emotions and motivators – that separates the stars from the so-sos in the work world. Emotional intelligence was the topic of an earlier book, and his new book, «Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships» (Bantam, $28), focuses on what he calls the interpersonal part of EQ.

Citing research in the emerging area of social neuroscience, he told the audience how we have a sort of «neural wi-fi» going on with those around us: that each of us has neurons that actually mirror those of people we are with – for good or ill. Such connections are what allow us to quickly size up situations, appreciate «micro» facial expressions, empathize with others and manage our interactions with them. (leer más…)

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