Archive for the ‘Bob Stein’ Category

CommentPress 1.3. y If:book blog de The Institute for the Future of the Book

agosto 28, 2007

Hace tiempo que leo el blog if:book de The Institute for the Future of the Book (Dic 2004)…pero nunca había escarbado y buscado en el propio instituto… hoy toca.

Está compuesto por: in brooklyn Bob Stein , Eddie a. Tejeda , Ben Vershbow , Dan Visel, Jesse Wilbur, John M McIntosh, Steve Riggins, Tim Rowledge, Siva Vaidhyanathan alumni: Ray Cha, Lisa Lynch, Kim White.
Ahora os dejo alguna información sobre el instituto: qué son? y proyectos….

//” porque contiene errores. About us

We are a small group dedicated to investigating the transformation of intellectual discourse as it shifts from printed pages to networked screens. We are funded generously by the MacArthur Foundation, and affiliated with the University of Southern California. We are located in Brooklyn, NY.

the Institute in the press »

contact the Institute »


A list of our projects (roughly chronological)

Pero vamos a destacar un proyecto open source en concreto aprovechando que ya van por la versión 1.3.: CommentPress. A WordPress theme for social texts

CommentPress is an open source theme for the WordPress blogging engine that allows readers to comment paragraph by paragraph in the margins of a text. Annotate, gloss, workshop, debate: with CommentPress you can do all of these things on a finer-grained level, turning a document into a conversation. It can be applied to a fixed document (paper/essay/book etc.) or to a running blog. This site is presented in «document» mode.

CommentPress was developed by the Institute for the Future of the Book. This is Version 1.3. Over time, we (and hopefully the community) will make improvements and add new features and extensions, all of which will be documented here on this site. (leer más…)

Fuente: [ if:book]

Blogs que referencian a Comment Press, en su versión 1.0:
1) CommentPress: Tema para WordPress enfocado en los textos sociales en digizen

2) ¿Será este el futuro de las publicaciones académicas? en Audentes Fortuna Iuvat de Luis Ramírez.

3) CommentPress 1.0 released en O’Really Radar de Peter Brandley

Por último, technorati: 159 blogs en todos los idiomas tratan el tema CommentPress technorati.