Archive for the ‘Blackboard’ Category

Blackboard v. Desire2Learn: The First Final Judgment

May 20, 2008

Hace mucho que no traemos nada sobre el caso Blackboard. Para remediarlo , del excelente blog e-literate el post titulado (es largo, interesante) :
Blackboard v. Desire2Learn: The First Final Judgment
Published by Jim Farmer May 14th, 2008

This is a guest post by Jim Farmer.

Delayed several days by a database failure at the District Court for the Eastern District of Texas Friday, May 2nd, the Final Judgment and associated orders for Blackboard v. Desire2Learn are now publicly available.

This text is based upon publicly available records. Because much of the record is “sealed” and not available to the public, and the transcript is available only upon payment to the court reporter, the complete record, as available to counsel, may provide a different perspective.

Permanent Injunction

The permanent injunction was issued March 11 and automatically stayed 60 days until May 12 (May 11 was Sunday). On May 7th Desire2Learn made a sealed “Emergency Motion for Limited Extension of Stay of Permanent Injunction.” Judge Clark did stay the permanent injunction an additional 30 days until June 11th. However the judge ordered Desire2Learn “…notify its present clients and all persons and entities with whom Desire2Learn is offering to provide online education products, methods, or services of the injunction and that court does not intend to issue any additional extensions.” The Judge also required Desire2Learn to pay Blackboard $194,769 as “appropriate reasonable royalty to be paid for the ongoing infringement and anticipated post judgment interest during the pendency of any appeal.”(leer más…)

Fuente: [e-literate]

[5 enlaces][5 links] LCDS, Science 2.0, Web 2.0, Open Access y Blackboard

May 6, 2008

Hoy continuamos con nuestra sección de [5 enlaces][5 links] en este caso con un variadito en inglés..

1) The Learning Content Development System (LCDS) de Microsoft.

2) Science2.0: it’s coming… en Erik Duval’s Weblog Learning Objects, Metadata, Interoperability and … me!

Snowflake science is beginning to enter mainstream! A workshop on 18 June calls it research2.0. As they say:

Grid-based, heavy-weight computing infrastructures, driven as they largely have been by the needs of researchers requiring High Performance Computing or High Throughput Computing, do not necessarily address the different needs of scientists across the full range of research areas and disciplines. Consequently, what we now observe is a ‘grass roots’ led appropriation by these latter groups of more flexible, lightweight, easily configurable and rapidly deployable technologies originating from the Web sphere.

3) The Future of Web 2.0. An interview with WSU’s Gary Brown By Mary Grush en Campus Technology

As director of Washington State University’s Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology, Gary Brown has stewarded the acceptance and growth of online learning, forged faculty development programs for early adopters and laggards alike, and struggled with the issues of assessment and accountability. But Brown sees more comprehensive changes ahead, especially as Web 2.0 technologies become widespread.

4) Open Access directory en EduResources Weblog–Higher Education Resources Online

5) Cal State System Raises Accessibility Concerns over Blackboard Online Learning Management System en Online learning update.

The 23-campus California State University system with more than 400,000 students has determined that accessibility issues with the current versions of the Blackboard learning management system preclude their including Bb in the newest round of master enabling agreements. Meanwhile, master enabling agreements were awarded to Angel Learning and MoodleRooms.
Fuente: [varias]

Caso Blackboard y patentes: Blackboard Lies and Liars

marzo 13, 2008

Hoy traemos este post sobre el caso Blackboard y las patentes de Desire2Blog. su autor es
My PhotoBarry Dahl View my complete profile

Blackboard Lies and Liars

Blackboard is working hard on becoming the most hated corporation in the education market. Anyone paying attention will easily come to the conclusion that these people do not play fair; are not collegial in any way , shape, or form; and fully deserve to be shunned by the educational industry that they seek to monopolize.

More dirt about Blackboard comes from the information released by D2L in their response to BB’s Motion for Permanent Injunction. See pages 10-11 of 18.

«In the past three years, Bb has made two requests to the government of the United States for assistance in helping Bb avoid competing in a free and open market. Bb successfully advocated to the United States Department of Justice that Bb’s absorption of the second-largest CMS provider in the market would not adversely affect competition, in large part because its competitor, D2L, had “continuing momentum” that would prevent Bb from having undue market power after the merger. However, almost immediately upon completing its merger, Bb turned to this Court and now asks the Court to enter a permanent injunction to eliminate the very competition that Bb told the Department of Justice justified the merger.(leer más…)


Espacios Lisos y espacios estriados. Deleuze, Blackboard y e-learning

enero 16, 2008

Ya se celebró la Conferencia de usuarios de Blackboard Durham el pasado día 9. Me ha llamado la atención en la noticia, sobre todo, el uso por parte de Dr. Sian Bayne de los conceptos de Deleuze de espacio liso y espacio estriado. Me gustaría poder leer su trabajo, lo buscaremos.

En su capítulo “Tratado de nomadología: la máquina de guerra” de Mil Mesetas. Mil Mesetas (1980) constituye la segunda parte de Capitalismo y esquizofrenia, obra escrita a dúo entre Gilles Deleuze y Félix Guattari. La primera parte de esta obra es El Antiedipo (1972). Se habla de lo móvil y lo movido, de espacio liso y espacio estriado, de un espacio que no es sólo un espacio físico sino un modo del devenir, un habitar. Aquí tenéis una entrevista de 1980 en Liberátion, vía Rizomas, a propósito de mil mesetas.

Deleuze es alguien al que trabajé bastante en la carrera, trabajé con un gran profesor de estética ayudándole en la impartición de un doctorado sobre Deleuze y sus conceptos de imagen-movimiento e imagen-tiempo(Juan Bosco), y además en uno de los grupos de investigación a los que he pertenecido Deleuze era una de las bases y pilares para hablar de la Teoría del Emplazamiento(Vázquez Medel) En fin, no me enrollo, pero si pudiésemos resumir esos conceptos , dios nos valga y nos coja confesaos yo resumiendo a Deleuze (desde aquí pido perdón a Inmanencia por el atrevimiento), sería algo parecido a esto:
– El espacio liso es un espacio no codificado previamente, dónde lo que importa es el trayecto y no los puntos que lo definen. ¿Un «entre»?.
– El espacio estriado serían los dos puntos generando una tensión, de cierre, el a priori generado por el otro que no es el que ocupa el espacio.
Es la lucha, la oposición entre el espacio que crea el nómada y el espacio que re-produce el sedentario…Aquí tenéis un texto de Rodrigo Wender y Santiago García Navarro (pdf, 8 pp) sobre el tema. En fin, que me enreo… aquí abajo tenéis las referencias al

8th Annual Blackboard Durham Users Conference

December_308_2A few weeks ago I was slightly jet lagged but delighted to be stepping out on a crisp December morning to walk from my hotel to the Durham Users Conference. The weather was cold and frost lay thick on the ground but the welcome at the Durham University Business School could not have been warmer.

The theme of this two day conference was Connectivism. A core element of Connectivism is the use of a network, its nodes and connections as a metaphor for learning. Additional principles include that nurturing and maintaining connections across the network is crucial to facilitate continual learning. Also, knowing something currently may not be as important as knowing where within one’s network one can get the information.

Keynote speaker Dr. Sian Bayne from the University of Edinburgh opened up the conference with a talk entitled, “Learning Online: the Smooth and the Strange.” She introduced the concept of Striated versus Smooth space and how this may apply to the eLearning experience. This was a new concept for me and I found her talk fascinating because of its breadth and depth. The presenters who followed her did a wonderful job weaving in the conference theme and the new concepts of smooth and striated as they explored the context of connectivism within eLearning and shared many examples from their research and campus life.(leer más…)

Fuente: [Blackboard, Educate/Innovate]

K-12 Online Learning in the 21st Century: Report & Podcast

enero 12, 2008

Learning_in_the_21st_centuryAquí tenéis un informe sobre la enseñanza online, (e-learning) producido por Blackboard. Tenéis toda la información en el blog Blackboard Educate/Innovate.

In 2006, more than 250,000 students, teachers and parents responded to the NetDay Speak Up survey, sharing their views of educational topics important to the K-12 community. Amongst the topics explored, survey questions covered numerous areas of e-Learning, including online learning, digital media and social networking.

Blackboard and Project Tomorrow, a national nonprofit education group based in Irvine, CA, compiled the survey results, added further insight provided by educators during direct interviews, and recently released a report titled “Learning in the 21st Century: A National Report of Online Learning.” This 11-page report includes valuable information from over 3,000 schools nationwide and, specifically, their views of online learning.(leer más…)

Fuente: [Blackboard Educate/Innovate]

Edugarage by Blackboard

octubre 29, 2007

Hace mucho que no hablábamos de Blackboard. Pues aquí tenéis a edugarage (remember Apple?) una red social de Blackboard.
Foros de discusión, compartir, colaborar…por la estupenda mejora de la empresa…colaboremos…con los desarrolladores de una demanda (judicial, que espera tener el monopolio de la enseñanza on line)… y de una oferta.

¿Qué es colaborar? Lo que no nos cuentan de la web 2.0, el camino para hacer trabajar gratis a los usuarios que pagan, a los demás con tal de solucionar los problemas que las empresas deberían solucionar pagando a buenos desarrolladores, testeadores, expertos en usabilidad. Que Blackboard se fije en Google o Mac…?. No sé, son muchas preguntas a la vez. Un entorno colaborativo es que uno desarrolle algo para que una empresa que te ha cobrado por tener el software que has mejorado, mejore el producto que uno mismo usa, a cambio de qué? No sé, es como un trabalenguas… En fin, para los que quieran saltarse la intro de este post, porque lo que les preocupe es las ventajas y mejoras de la pizarra.

Hoy tenéis el anuncio edugarage y por el mismo precio el anuncio de la conferencia de desarrolladores de Blackboard en las Vegas…madre quiero ir a jugar al blackjack, mientras desarrollo la pizarra ;-). Me dejo invitar….ya podéis ver el pastiche colaborativo de Las vegas…siempre nos quedará París…o era Ibañez?.
Claro que también podéis leer la misma noticia en plan más…como diríamos «objetivo» en CNN Money bajo el título Blackboard Launches EduGarage, New Central Web Site for Educational Developers to Collaborate.
//” porque contiene errores.
(leer más…)

Fuente: [edugarage blackboard]

CourseFeed: Blackboard en Facebook

octubre 26, 2007


Hoy , cuando he entrado para atender la invitación de contacto de Alejandro Karpich Zardalevich, cada vez hay más gente castellano parlante y del mundo de la educación en Facebook, me he encontrado con una nueva aplicación de Facebook: CourseFeed una manera de conectar Blackboard con la famosa red Facebook.
La verdad es que a mi facebook, como ya dije en un post del viernes 7 de septiembre de 2007 Convierte tus bookmarks en slides, para los adoradores de los power pointes y slideshares: Web Slides beta me resulta un poco agobiante con tantos wallpost, y millones de invitaciones de un montón de cosas que no te interesan, un montón de jueguitos, vampire invitations, jumper sticker, zombie invitations…pero la idea de estar abierta al desarrollo por cualquiera, de aplicaciones que se insertan uniendo algo que necesitas con tu red social es quizá lo que puede ser más interesante a nivel educativo.

Aunque la verdad esta guerra entre los grandes nos va a volver locos a todos, que si Microsoft compra parte de Facebook, que si WebCt es comprada por Blackboard, etc… en fin el martes 25 de septiembre de 2007 Social Networks: Microsoft vs. Google / Facebook vs. Google Earth-Arizona State University’s. Where is Apple?ya hablamos sobre la toma de posición de los grandes.

Lo que sigue es como se presenta en Facebook la aplicación CourseFeed

CourseFeed connects you with your classmates and connects you to Blackboard®. Browse your courses, post messages to the class, share notes – all without ever leaving Facebook. CourseFeed also alerts you when your professor posts announcements, tests, or content to Blackboard. And you’ll get alerts when classmates post to the course wall and share notes.

If your school doesn’t have Blackboard don’t worry – use CourseFeed to hook-up with classmates, collaborate, and share. See features below!

Features Without Blackboard:

* Course Wall
* File storage for Course Notes, etc.
* Course feed display of what’s new posted by others.
* Connect with others in the course.
* Profile display to let friends know when you’re in class.

Additional Features With Blackboard:

* See everyone in your course – guaranteed accurate course roster.
* View all Blackboard course materials without leaving Facebook
* Course feed shows when professor posts announcements, files, etc. to Blackboard.
* View all announcements, new or old, in the announcements area.
* One-click access into Blackboard and auto-navigation that takes you right to the item. No hunting!

As you can imagine, this is an awesome undertaking. Please report any problems using the discussion board area and we’ll do our best to resolve them.

Fuente: [ facebook]

[5 enlaces][5 links] [1]: Nueva sección 5 enlaces…

agosto 16, 2007

Hoy vamos a inaugurar una nueva sección titulada [5 enlaces][5 links], de la que llevo ya 15 días con tres o cuatro posts en cartera del borrador de bloger, algún día había que comenzar, y ese es hoy:

1) George Roberts :: Weblog :: Blended learning? en Emerge de George Roberts.

This is more of an essay than I intended! Further to Nicola’s «defining the e» and the discussion that followed, Rhona Sharpe led a review of Blended Learning for the HE Academy. I contributed part of the literature review. The political argument was largely submerged in the final paper. I rehearse it here. And in the SlideShare

Whatever it is, it is widely recognised that blended learning is ubiquitous. We can blend:

  • delivery different modes (face-to-face and distance education)
  • technology mixtures of (web based) technologies
  • locus authentic/work-based and class-room based learning
  • pedagogy different pedagogical approaches
  • chronology synchronous and a-synchronous interventions
  • roles multi-disciplinary groupings of learners
  • focus different aims
  • direction instructor-directed vs. learner-directed .

2) Sorting Out the Issues in Blackboard v iParadigms at e-Literate en e-literate.

The latest news is that Blackboard has stated that the language of the intellectual property waiver in their contract with iParadigms was specific to that contract, motivated by specific concerns about the particular company and business relationship involved. Blackboard further states the language is not present in their standard Building Blocks contract or other partner contacts. This is an important clarification and one that I am happy to pass on.

3) Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Emergency 2.0: Twitter helps public services speed up ahead the government in crisis situations en Smart Mobs.

David Stephenson, homeland security, e-government, and crisis management strategist and theorist, pleads as defense attorney for Twitter’s social strengths by presenting two illustrative cases, as exhibits before a virtual jury: LA Fire Department 2.0 and Red Cross 2.0 in Birmingham, AL.

4) Pantasmas antes do almorzo: Cinema: resistencia e comunicación. en Pantasmas antes do almorzo.

Balata Film Collective

Film is an important means of both resistance and communication. The Balata Film Collective was initated to enable young Palestinians from Balata to break their isolation, challenge their oppression and and represent their lives to the world.

The Balata film production collective films, edits and produces movies in Arabic and English. Until now, the collective has focused on producing shorts which are uploaded to the internet. In the future hopefully it will also produce full-length movies distributed on DVD and VHS.

5) DB2 and open source: Put yourself on the map with Google Maps API, DB2/Informix, and PHP on Linux en IBM.

oogle Maps API along with DB2® or Informix®, PHP, JavaScript, and XML let you create an easy-to-use map with your data on it. Pan to your zip code to see area-specific data. Use custom icons, change the map type, create a sidebar, and use event handlers. <!– if (document.referrer&&document.referrer!=»») { // document.write(document.referrer); var q = document.referrer; var engine = q; var isG =\.com/i); var searchTerms; //var searchTermsForDisplay; if (isG != -1) { var i =; var q2 = q.substring(i+2); var j =; j = (j == -1)?q2.length:j; searchTerms = q.substring(i+2,i+2+j); if (searchTerms.length != 0) { searchQuery(searchTerms); document.write(«

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The recent explosion of information has spawned many new technologies that help digest all these gigabytes. Most humans do best with graphical representations when trying to absorb lots of information. Geographic data, in this case from the US Census, can be visualized using Google Maps, instead of traditional geographical information systems (GIS). Why use this article when there are over 69 million hits for the search words «google maps»? This article focuses on using PHP, Informix, DB2, and Linux. Also, the code provided here has the clarity that only a 14-year-old programmer can provide. (See «Resources» for more articles written by this author.)

Fuente: [varias][imágenes: superior suspensión de 5 enlaces en ssangYong e inferior y 5 enlaces erróneos? en taller de química orgánica

Blackboard: The Greenhouse Grant for Virtual Worlds. $25,000 (USD)

agosto 3, 2007

We have created a special Greenhouse Program™ grant, The Greenhouse Grant for Virtual Worlds, to foster greater educational innovation with virtual worlds such as Active Worlds, There and Second Life. Blackboard is funding a single $25,000 (USD) grant for initiatives that promote the integration of virtual worlds into teaching and learning. We seek initiatives that will:

  • Enhance the student experience
  • Leverage existing teaching and learning strategies and best practices
  • Integrate virtual worlds and Blackboard Enterprise Software [1] through Blackboard Building Blocks™ and Blackboard PowerLinks™
  • Make results/output available to the Blackboard client community
Download the Official Call for Proposals Here
Submit Your Grant Proposals Here
Deadline for Submissions is September 24, 2007

(leer más…)

Fuente: [blackboard]

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Blackboard promociona su conferencia en you tube con un video sobre Second Life

julio 9, 2007

Hoy veremos dos vídeos «humorísticos» sobre Second Life. El primero, made in Blackboard que coloca en You Tube el video titulado «Adventures in First Life Redux«(13 de junio de 2007) en el da una visión sobre Second Life y la educación? para promocionar su «BbWorld ’07. . . Of Course» , del que ya hablamos el viernes 4 de mayo de 2007 en BbWorld 07. 10-12 Julio Boston. Blackboard. Por otra parte ya conocíamos hacía tiempo otro video parecido sobre el síndrome Second Life titulado «second life«(20 de abril de 2007). Si asociamos las dos visiones que preguntas se nos construyen?, la primera podría ser ¿ acaso los LMS nacieron un poco lastrados por visiones de aprendizaje basadas en concepciones anti-diluvianas, es decir antes de la llegada de la web colectiva? ¿acaso no hace mucho tiempo que los videojuegos (mundos virtuales como Second Life) están sirviendo para aprender, aunque las instituciones no lo hayan sabido rentabilizar? ¿acaso las concepciones de aprendizaje de buena parte de las nuevas generaciones están a años luz de las concepciones de enseñanza de buena parte de las viejas generaciones? . Es decir, ¿no será que la brecha más importante no es la digital sino la conceptual?
Todavía algunos quieren volver a la educación del siglo XVIII-XIX, cuando nuestras hijas, hijos, sobrinas y sobrinos viven en el XXI; con la excusa de ser anti-socialistas y que el socialismo ha sido el culpable en España del destrozo de la cultura y la educación?. Nada tiene esto que ver con socialismos, fascismos, democratismos, izquierdas o derechas. Ese mundo ha perecido, aunque no quieran darse cuenta algunos. La política tal y como se concibió hasta el siglo XX ha demostrado su incapacidad de otorgar la mayoría de respuestas que se necesitan y sobre todo que se necesitarán.

Fuente: [you tube]

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