Archive for the ‘open social’ Category

OpenSocial y su blog: OpenSocial API blog. Google se nos hace social-apista?

noviembre 2, 2007

Se ha estrenado el blog de OpenSocial de Google. Se llama : OpenSocial API blog y su primer post comienza tal que así: «The web is better when it’s social»

Friday, November 2, 2007 at 1:15 AM

There’s no denying that the web enables communication. The killer apps of the web — email, instant messaging, blogging — have enabled us to communicate with our friends, family, and the rest of the world on a large scale. But there is a newer characteristic of the web that has been emerging: to become social. The first wave of killer apps allowed us to communicate with the world at scale. The next wave is about connecting us and our online activities with our friends.

Social networks have seen that next wave, and have started opening up developer APIs to enable third-party innovation on their websites. This is a great thing, but it has also led to a growing number of APIs which a developer must learn. So we took a look at the state of the web and asked how we could make development easier for both websites and developers. Out of that exercise came OpenSocial.

OpenSocial is a set of common APIs that will work on many different social websites, including MySpace, Hi5, Ning, orkut, and LinkedIn, among others. In addition, this allows developers to learn one API, then write a social application for any of those sites. Learn once, write anywhere, if you will. And because it’s built on web standards like HTML and JavaScript, developers don’t have to learn a custom programming language.»

Me permito traer hoy, como complemento a la noticia, algo que hasta ahora no había hecho, copio y pego de mi google reader todo lo que me ha entrado sobre OpenSocial, el api(Application Programming Interface) de moda junto con el gOS, y el nuevo google PC(el sistema operativo de Google, que mañana comentaremos cuando haya más cosas en la red):

OpenSocial: Three Big Concerns

The Google-lead initiative called OpenSocial is all the buzz this week with anyone interested in online innovation, but beyond all the enthusiasm there are a number of questions that ought to be asked more visibly than they have been so far. OpenSocial is a hugely ambitious project that would tie together Google, MySpace and numerous other social…

OpenSocial – Google y las redes sociales

Google ha dado un pequeño paso en Internet y un gran paso en la humanidad. Opensocial no es una red social, es un conjunto de herramientas que permitirá a los programadores integrar el contenido de varias redes sociales creando de forma sencilla aplicaciones complejas y con ricos contenidos. Si el lanzamiento de Google maps fue toda una revolución…
WWWhat’s new?

How the OpenSocial story broke

by Charlene Li Valleywag pointed out that I may have contributed to the New York Times getting the scoop on Google’s OpenSocial announcement. I’ve always believed in transparency, so wanted to set the…

Brave New World

Hat Tip to Charlie Wood, as we sit in Twitterland lobbing questions to Robert Scoble reporting news from Google’s OpenSocial… …

Confirmed: MySpace Joins Google’s OpenSocial (More Analysis from R/WW to Follow)

The big news of the day is that MySpace, the leading social networking platform, has joined Google’s OpenSocial project as a partner. OpenSocial is a set of common APIs for building social applications across the web – and it will be officially released tonight here. The press release today states that the MySpace/Google partnership «spearheads an …

OpenSocial and open-mobile: Good or bad?

A couple of days after Google announced its plans to support a cross-social network, open «platform» with Linked-In and Frendster, the WaPo features an update on their mobile progress to champion WiMa…

Will Open Social Create Systemic Changes?

Google’s OpenSocial initiative has ignited conversations globally. Many are discussing its potential impact on Facebook and wondering how the likes of LinkedIn, Ning, Plaxo, hi5, Friendster, Viadeo an…

Hakia Adds Social Networking – But Does Search Need Social Networking Features?

Semantic search engine Hakia has just released a new social networking feature, called Meet Others (MO). The basic idea is to «meet others» who asked the same query. This is something I’ve never seen in a search engine before – and actually I’m not convinced that social networking is a good fit with search. But let’s take a lo…

Google OpenSocial will (hopefully) make social apps more relevant

by Charlene Li Google and a slew of partners announced the formation of OpenSocial (URL will be live late Thursday), which Google’s Joe Kraus, in a briefing earlier this week with me, described as «a …

Is Google Making Social Networking Middleware?

Google’s recent announcement of their OpenSocial API’s appears to be a new form of middleware for connecting social networks together. But it’s too early to tell, since the technical details are not available yet. The notion of a middleware service for connecting social networks and sharing data between them makes a lot of sense, and if Google has …
Minding the Planet

El ojo bueno

En plena fiebre del OpenSocial –mal entendido como la competencia de Facebook- me permito llamaros la atención sobre la primera versión «útil» de eyeOS, el escritorio de aplicativos español… Ahora que incorpora compatibilidad con los estándares ofimáticos de facto, el siguiente paso es competir con los motores de conversión ‘web-a-escritorio’, p…
Antoine’s blog

Google’s OpenSocial ready for release

TechCrunch reports that Google’s OpenSocial will go live tomorrow. I’ve been waiting for this kind of technology to emerge, and it’s no surprise that it comes from Google. OpenSocial “is a set of comm…

OpenSocial Platform

Well, we finally are starting to hear what Google’s anticipated response to the fact that Facebook Platform and Facebook as a Learning Platform. The real beauty of Google’s approach is in the word «open.» With Facebook you are somewhat forced to make a hard choice about rewiring your application to live seamlessly within the Facebook environment …
eLearning Technology

Details Revealed: Google OpenSocial To Launch Thursday

Here’s the Slashdot discussion. Due to launch tomorrow, Google’s OpenSocial will be «a set of common APIs that application developers can use to create applications that work on any social networks (called ‘hosts’) that choose to participate.» This will allow users to manage user information, their social graph, and activity information, which will…
Stephen’s Web ~ by Stephen Downes ~ OLDaily RSS 2.0

Google and Facebook

This week, Google is slated to announce OpenSocial – a series of APIs that will allow developers to essentially «network social networks». This is obviously targeted at Facebook’s growing prominence, as Google finds itself in the unique position of not being the default hype leader, but is instead playing catchup (just walking through U of Manitoba…

A Tentative Google PC

Inexpensive computers go hand in hand with the vision of moving applications online. After all, if you spend most of your time inside a browser, you don’t need a very powerful computer. Everex gPC TC2502 has a 1.5 GHz processor, 512 MB of memory and an 80 GB hard drive. It runs a modified version of Ubuntu, called gOS, and comes with free applicati…
Google Operating System

El imperio contraataca: Open Social de Google y Viadeo

Contra la estupidez,los propios dioses luchan en vano (Friedrich Schiller)Hace tiempo que estamos insertos en Viadeo, una red social entre las muchas…y vemos …ya lo han dicho muchos, desde hace días…(esto no es un blog de actualidad) que viadeo se asocia con el Imperio del que hace mucho que venimos hablando (imperialismo google dixit).Y que …
e-learning, conocimiento en red y web colectiva

Google’s OpenSocial to become the platform’s platform?

One of the biggest problems with Social Networks is that your information is never synchronised across them if you are in more than one and if you are in only one, the time you invest adding in inform…

The Funnel begins – Google taking on Facebook, bigger than you think

The big news today is that Google will soon be announcing OpenSocial [ongoing]. OpenSocial is a BigDeal(tm) for a lot of reasons. If you have been in a face-to-face conversation about Facebook with me…

Maybe I’m just tired

Big news of the day: OpenSocial (see here, here, or here for coverage). So: A) We all knew this was coming (didn’t we?). B) It *is* a good thing, …but… I’m really left flat by the whole thing. Maybe…

Adelson Offers Small Look Into the Future of Digg

Digg’s Jay Adelson has an interview in today’s London Guardian that includes a few interesting nuggets concerning the future of the site. Yet more social features are coming and further integration of Digg functionality into other sites around the web is likely but complicated. Adelson told the Guardian that in addition to the forthcoming Images …

Fuente: [google reader de e-learning, conocimiento en red y web colectiva]

El imperio contraataca: OpenSocial de Google y Viadeo

octubre 31, 2007

Contra la estupidez,
los propios dioses luchan en vano

(Friedrich Schiller)

Hace tiempo que estamos insertos en Viadeo, una red social entre las muchas…y vemos …ya lo han dicho muchos, desde hace días…(esto no es un blog de actualidad) que viadeo se asocia con el Imperio del que hace mucho que venimos hablando (imperialismo google dixit).

Y que quede claro que no nos referimos a la serie de Asimov: Fundación, Fundación e Imperio y Segunda Fundación que comienza a finales del 1941…

Como siempre ocurrió, y ocurrirá, los pensadores de ciencia-ficción no hablaban de extraños futuros, sino de presentes pre-sentidos… y mira que yo de Asimov no soy (demasiada empresa), aunque el libro que más me gusta de él es «Los propios dioses»(1972), y sobre todo la serie de «Lucky Starr» de sus primeras obras (1952) (escritas con el pseudónimo de Paul French, me encantan los pseu-dóminos) huérfano y ….(la verdad es que soy mucho de obras menores…que le vamos a hacer).
Pero no nos dispersemos, a la noticia: vemos en el blog extra-super-hiper- unofficial de viadeo…la siguiente nota:

Viadeo partner oficial de Google en OpenSocial

Se levanta el telón y se acaban las especulaciones. La estrategia de Google para contrarrestar Facebook y Myspace NO es otra red social (ya tenían Orkut), sino una plataforma que permite a los programadores integrarse en las redes de éxito existentes, y que permite a los usuarios interactuar entre sus redes. Si bien el nombre clave de este proyecto era «Maka-Maka» finalmente se conocerá como OpenSocial.

La presentación oficial tendrá lugar mañana jueves 1 de noviembre, en Mountain View en la sede de Google, delante de 200 periodistas acreditados, tal como lo ha anticipado en primicia TechCrunch. En español he visto ya referencias en Error500 y en MujeresTIC, aunque lanzaremos la nota de prensa mas adelante, ya es público y puedo por fin hablar del tema.

Google nos contactó hace sólo 2 semanas cuando seleccionaba partners mundiales para este lanzamiento. Desde entonces el equipo de programación ha hecho una labor fantástica y en un tiempo récord hemos presentado a Google, un sitio Viadeo compatible con la nueva API. Mañana nuestro CEO Dan Serfaty, presentará un ejemplo concreto en la rueda de prensa. (Trataré de publicar el material cuando sea posible).

Fuente: [varias]