Archive for agosto 2005

agosto 29, 2005

[art] Riding The E-Learning Curve

By Heather Clancy CRN
3:00 PM EDT Fri. Aug. 26, 2005
From the August 29, 2005 CRN

A word to the wise for those responsible for certification programs: Give the people what they want. Increasingly, that means adding an online training component.

When it comes to styles of instruction, the CRN Training and Certification Survey showed 30 percent of solution providers prefer the self-paced online training option, which was more than for any other type of training. Another 20 percent gave a nod to a hybrid method: an off-site, instructor-led classroom that includes an online component.

Maxwell Dodge, manager of the FishNet Inside Response Sales Team at FishNet Security, a security VAR in Kansas City, Kan., said many of his product vendors are moving rapidly to embrace Web-based training options, a development he appreciates because of his team’s ability to stay up to date without relying on visits from vendor field sales teams.

“Web-based training has given us the avenue to focus on this without it really costing anything,” Dodge said.

Indeed, cost and convenience emerge as common themes among solution providers who are fans of e-learning. Sometimes training options can make or break the decision to pick up a product, said Bill Abram, president of Pragmatix, an IBM Business Partner in Elmsford, N.Y. (leer más…)

Fuente:[crn training]

agosto 27, 2005

[emp] Announcing Our New Web Site

As part of our ongoing commitment to serve you better, we are delighted to announce our all new:

This completely re-architected site with all-new content is designed especially for you. Now you can quickly and easily gather relevant information about Blackboard and our e-Education community.

The new site has what you’ve been asking for:

Demos and more than 70 Quick Tutorials
A wide array of video testimonials from Blackboard clients like you
International language support of Japanese (coming very soon), Spanish, French, German and Italian
Access to your Blackboard CommunitySite, Client listservs and the Blackboard Developers Network
Details on customizing Blackboard solutions with Blackboard Building Blocks
Google Search bar (leer más…)

Fuente: []

agosto 26, 2005

[emp] RxSchool Launches New Live On-Line Education Software

Denver –
Denver — RxSchool, a leader in on-line pharmacy education and learning management software, announced today that it has launched its new RxSchool Live(TM) on-line delivery software. RxSchool founders Rich Barnhart and Steve Croke will unveil this new technology next week at the NACDS Pharmacy and Technology Conference in San Diego.

RxSchool Live(TM) is a powerful e-learning platform and will meet the needs of thousands of pharmacy professionals and educational providers. A recent survey conducted by RxSchool reveals that over 90% of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians prefer to participate in continuing education programs that are delivered live or on the Internet. Furthermore, many states now require pharmacists to receive a certain number of live continuing education credits and with a limited amount of traditional live education programs available, many pharmacists welcome this new option.

Rich Barnhart, chief technology officer, stated: «The best part of this new platform is that we don’t have to sacrifice quality when delivering our educational programs. In many ways, this software exceeds our students’ expectations and provides a more interactive and quality experience than the traditional live classroom setting.»

RxSchool Live(TM) not only provides a quality educational experience; it also qualifies for pharmacy continuing education credit. Busy pharmacy professionals with a computer and Internet connection can now meet their live continuing education requirements from the comfort of their home or office.

Steve Croke, president, adds: «Our students are embracing this new technology and our clients are using it to enhance their current educational offerings. The applications for this medium are more cost-effective than traditional live settings and are not limited to live continuing education.» (leer más…)

Fuente: []

agosto 25, 2005

[not] Extremadura pone en marcha el Proyecto ‘@vanza’ para la promoción del e-learning

La Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Extremadura ha puesto en marcha el Proyecto ‘@vanza’ con el fin de desarrollar las enseñanzas a distancia mediante la creación de una plataforma virtual cuyos contenidos serán publicados en Internet y que facilitará a todos los extremeños el acceso al aprendizaje a lo largo de toda la vida.

Se trata de una nueva modalidad de enseñanza on line que comienza el próximo curso 2005/06 de forma experimental en el ciclo formativo de ‘Administración y Finanzas’ que imparte el IES Cuatro Caminos de Don Benito. Además, se irá implantando en cursos sucesivos en los nueve centros educativos autorizados para impartir educación a distancia y en los ciclos formativos que se vayan sumando a la teleformación. (leer más..)

Fuente: [cibersur]

agosto 24, 2005

[emp] Formación digital instruirá a unos 4.000 directivos de RRHH en las nuevas tecnologías

Unos 4.000 directivos especialistas en recursos humanos (RRHH) y vinculados a más de 2.000 empresas e instituciones podrán ampliar su formación gracias al acuerdo que la Asociación Española de Dirección y Desarrollo de Personas (AEDIPE) ha alcanzado con Formación Digital, compañía del Grupo GDT especializada en el desarrollo de acciones formativas on line y una de las tres más importantes de su sector en España.

Este convenio de colaboración, firmado recientemente por el máximo responsable de AEDIPE, Antonio Barba Gálvez, y por el director general de Formación Digital, José Ignacio Ustaran, permitirá que la agrupación de profesionales ofrezca a sus asociados un servicio de formación propio, usando para ello las soluciones tecnológicas y los contenidos multimedia suministrados por la empresa del Grupo GDT. (leer más…)

Fuente: [cibersur]

agosto 23, 2005

[not] Tesis Digitales 2005 premia a los ocho finalistas

Las postulaciones a este certamen, organizado por País Digital y Universia, aumentaron en un 20% respecto a la versión anterior. Fotorreportaje de la jornada

Cómo mejorar el proceso de reciclaje electrónico; de qué manera aprovechar las ventajas que nos ofrece el Open Source (software libre); o conocer el beneficio que conllevaría para la medicina el desarrollo de un generador de señales electrocardiográficas, son sólo algunas de las innovadoras propuestas que se encuentran entre las ocho finalistas del concurso Tesis Digitales 2005, organizado por Fundación País Digital y Universia Chile. (…) Entre ellas:
4. Andrea Morales Concha y Dahianna Vega Leiva, de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, por la tesis: «Generación de una propuesta de procesos de negocios para una unidad de e-learning». (leer más…)

Fuente: [universia]

agosto 21, 2005

[not] «El potencial del e-learning argentino es uno de los más grandes del mundo»

Excelentes empresas, profesionales, universidades y costos, se perciben desde el otro lado del Atlántico al evaluar la posición de nuestro país en el mercado de e-learning. «Si se lo propone, Argentina podría ser para el mercado hispano lo que es India para el anglosajón», dijo a Canal AR desde España José Lozano Galera, presidente de la Asociación de e-learning y formación on line de España, que estará de visita en la feria de Rosario Tecnoar. Conozca por qué este pionero del e-learning considera que «el potencial del e-learning argentino es uno de los más grandes del mundo»


José Lozano Galera
En el año 1995 José Lozano Galera formó parte del equipo fundador de la UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya), una de las primeras universidades virtuales del mundo, y desde ese momento se convirtió en un referente en España en materia de e-learning. Del 1 al 3 de septiembre, Lozano visitará la Argentina para participar de la exposición nacional de informática y tecnología Tecnoar 2005, que se llevará a cabo en la ciudad de Rosario, donde disertará sobre la educación a distancia a través de medios electrónicos y comentará su vivencia en el rubro. (leer más…)


agosto 20, 2005

[not] Sakai version 2.0.1 Released

Tuesday, 16 August 2005

Sakai version 2.0.1 was released today. Version 2.0.1 is a bug fix release for 2.0.0 in which over 160 issues were addressed. The release is available at:

Several improvements to accessibility were made, including the addition of skip links and accesskeys, heading tags, and tool-specific titles. A section for screen reader users on how best to navigate Sakai has also been added.

The Sakai community at large provided excellent support for QA and for increasing the depth of the documentation. The list of people who helped is too long to include here, but the following deserve special thanks:

(leer más…)

Fuente: [sakai]

agosto 19, 2005

[link] The 64-bit .NET e-portal applications for e-Learning and e-Science

Chang, V. (2005) The 64-bit .NET e-portal applications for e-Learning and e-Science. In Proceedings of The United Nations World Summit on the Information Society, 2005, Renaissance Tunis Hotel, La Marsa, Tunisia. Chang, V., Eds.
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PDF – Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader or other PDF viewer. 677Kb


This is one of the first comprehensive 64-bit .NET research to be completed in a British University. The objective is to investigate (1) the techniques to develop 64-bit applications; and (2) how 64-bit computing can be used for e-Learning and e-Science communities.

This paper is focused on an emerging technology for e-Learning and e-Science communities — a 64-bit .NET e-portal application, and its functionality, development and technical implementation are described. Currently, additional troubleshooting is required to make .NET Framework 1.1 working in stable ways on 64-bit Windows operating systems. After stabilizing .NET environment, the next step is the application development, which is a dynamic repository with functions such as registration, download, login-logout, product submissions, database storage and statistical reports. The technology is based on Visual Studio .NET 2003, .NET 1.1 Framework with Service Pack 1, SQL Server 2000 with Service Pack 4 and IIS Server 6.0 on the Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x64 platform with Service Pack 1. (leer más…)

Fuente: [eprints]

agosto 18, 2005

[ent] Intervista al Prof. Frignani per il CARID

di redazione di comunitàzione
CARID… la formazione anche per i comunicatori
Dal 1997 è attivo il Centro di Ateneo per la Ricerca l’Innovazione Didattica e l’istruzione a Distanza (CARID) dell’Università di Ferrara. Lo dirige uno psicologo della comunicazione, il professor Paolo Frignani al quale rivolgiamo qualche domanda.

D. Professor Frignani, può illustrarci la filosofia del suo Centro?
R. Innanzitutto sottolineo che il CARID è un Centro trasversale alle singole facoltà e pertanto le competenze che lo contraddistinguono sono fruibili da quanti interessati a sviluppare percorsi di formazione a distanza. L’e-learning dunque è la nostra filosofia, convinti come siamo che alle soglie del terzo millennio l’Università non possa non riconoscere il ruolo giocato dalle nuove tecnologie della comunicazione anche nella didattica. L’era dell’accesso, così è stata definita la nostra, impone al mondo accademico un ripensamento di tutta l’impostazione che fino a oggi ha riguardato la diffusione dei saperi. E la nostra riflessione ci ha portato a considerare la Rete come il mezzo comunicativo fondamentale, in grado di dare nuove forme, e quindi anche senso nuovo, alla conoscenza.

D. Tutto questo, professore, significa…
R. Per secoli il meccanismo di produzione e diffusione dei saperi è rimasto grosso modo inalterato: esiste un centro propulsore – questa o quella università – che, in virtù della sua tradizione e grazie ai suoi rappresentanti – corpo docenti e tecnici – diventa un polo di attrazione. Il tutto si svolge secondo le regole di un insieme chiuso. (leer más…)

Fuente: []