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New Answers for E-Learning. Kim Clark

enero 17, 2008

Hoy continuamos con la presencia del e-learning en la prensa, en este caso digital. Aquí tenéis un artículo titulado New Answers for E-learning. Y el subtítulo muy expresivo:
Wikis and avatars are improving the educational experience

With dorm bills and gasoline prices skyrocketing, it’s no wonder 3.5 million students are now opting to stay home and take online college courses. Unfortunately, as many of those students have discovered, E-learning courses have disadvantages, too. Online courses often can be more boring and less educational than traditional classes. They also tend to have higher dropout rates and—on average—yield lower grades than regular students get.

That may finally be changing for the better, however, as E-learning is getting an upgrade. Some professors and schools are redesigning their courses to take advantage of the Web’s interactive and visual possibilities, adopting some bleeding-edge technologies such as gamelike simulations and digital avatars to make online courses more exciting and more effective than traditional classrooms. Many students even say that a good E-learning course inspires them to work harder. Matt Kerr signed up for an online art history course last year just to satisfy a general education requirement at Sierra College, a community college outside Sacramento, Calif. (leer más…)

Fuente: [u.s. news]