Archive for the ‘Knol’ Category

Imperialismo Google (VII). A por la wikipedia y citizendium. Google lo quiere todo

diciembre 19, 2007

«El imperialismo surgió como desarrollo y continuación directa de las propiedades fundamentales del capitalismo»

«Casi todos podemos soportar la adversidad, pero si queréis probar el carácter de un hombre, dadle poder.»
Abraham Lincoln

Dicen que la información es poder (Bill Gates?) . Y parece que Google que aparenta tener un porcentaje importante de las búsquedas en red de ese elemento se va a acercar más a su control, a través del tema de las enciclopedias en red. Como se definen las hojas de ruta, los diccionarios, el enciclopedismo puede ser una manera de adocenar el conocimiento, una manera de asentar definiciones de una manera rígida, esclerotizada. ¿cuantas recetas de sopa de ajo perduran en nuestros pueblos? ¿cómo definirla en un diccionario? ¿qué versión tomamos? ¿quizá lo único que podamos decir es que lleva ajo y escribir un libro con todas las variedades locales de dicha sopa? ¿al definir no eliminamos la variedad y la diversidad de las experiencias locales?

Quim Monzó, decía en un artículo titulado «Descubren la sopa de ajo» en La Vanguardia el 6/6/07 (vía

«Si restringen el acceso a aquellas entradas que no quieren ver saboteadas, Wikipedia deja de ser una «enciclopedia on line redactada por miles de colaboradores anónimos» como asegura el profeta Tapscott, e instaura dos categorías: entradas susceptibles de ser manipuladas por cualquiera y entradas restringidas y bajo control, para vips. ¿Seguirá anunciándose como «la enciclopedia libre»? A este paso, cualquier día algún sabio nos dirá que para que algo sea riguroso y fiable – blogs y enciclopedias on line incluidos- hay que, primero, verificar quién lo Interndice, qué dice exactamente y con qué aval. Para ese viaje no necesitábamos tantas alforjas, ni que sean digitales.»

Pero vamos a lo que vamos. Nuestro querido gran hermano google dixit en su blog oficial: Encouraging people to contribute knowledge

12/13/2007 06:01:00 PM

The web contains an enormous amount of information, and Google has helped to make that information more easily accessible by providing pretty good search facilities. But not everything is written nor is everything well organized to make it easily discoverable. There are millions of people who possess useful knowledge that they would love to share, and there are billions of people who can benefit from it. We believe that many do not share that knowledge today simply because it is not easy enough to do that. The challenge posed to us by Larry, Sergey and Eric was to find a way to help people share their knowledge. This is our main goal.

Earlier this week, we started inviting a selected group of people to try a new, free tool that we are calling «knol», which stands for a unit of knowledge. Our goal is to encourage people who know a particular subject to write an authoritative article about it. The tool is still in development and this is just the first phase of testing. For now, using it is by invitation only. But we wanted to share with everyone the basic premises and goals behind this project.»

Hay mucha gente comentando el tema en la red y aquí tenéis un resumen de algunos blogs que escriben:

1) a few rough notes on knols

knol,» and see how the Web judgeth. If it’s any good, you might even make a buck. Google’s new encyclopedia will go head to head with Wikipedia in the search rankings, though in format it more resembles other ad-supported, single-author info sources like the or Squidoo. The knol-verse (how the hell do we speak of these things as a w…

2) Google Knols y las malas ideas

…de Google Knol una especie de repositorio de conocimiento distribuido donde cada usuario va a poder crear sus propias páginas sobre temas donde sea un experto; y mientras todo el mundo habla de las similitudes con la Wikipedia, es sólo hasta ahí que hay similitudes… el resto es algo totalmente opuesto a la idea, concepto e implementación de la W…

3) Knols Project: Google Experimenting With User Generated Encyclopedic Pages

…is called Knols, or «units of knowledge.» Knols participants will write reference pages on any topic, using a Google content creation tool apparently in the works, and those pages will be highlighted in Google search results. Authors will choose whether they want ads to appear and will receive a «substantial revenue share.» I think this is go…
4) knol versus Citizendium

…s knol pilot elsewhere, I wanted to emphasize one aspect here: one competitive thrust is against Citizendium. The far larger target is Wikipedia, of course, given its huge prominence, influence, Google search ranking, and deeply felt bad reputation. But Citizendium is closer to knols in several key respects, as several commentators have noted …
Infocult: Information, Culture, Policy, Education
5) Week-log.251

…presentacion de Knol… otra idea de Google.. para seguir acaparando informacion Trailer de la semana no hay… pero si siguen a House, busquen el piloto privado de House que tiene un par de escenas raras, una presentacion diferente y datos del equipo 😛
6) Google Responding to Wikipedia?

I think there’s something really weird about Google’s launching of the ‘knol‘ (one unit of knowledge). On the one hand, it resembles a learning object in its granularity. But so does a Wikipedia article – and maybe, as George Siemens suggests, Google is afraid of Wikipedia. Because Google also attributes each ‘knol‘ to a specific author. A lot like…
Stephen’s Web ~ by Stephen Downes ~ OLDaily RSS 2.0
7) Google responding to Wikipedia?

…project called knol: «Earlier this week, we started inviting a selected group of people to try a new, free tool that we are calling «knol«, which stands for a unit of knowledge. Our goal is to encourage people who know a particular subject to write an authoritative article about it.» Tech Crunch thinks Google has gone too far: «Google is moving …
8) Google Knol, an Encyclopedia Written by Experts

…knowledge called knol.»Earlier this week, we started inviting a selected group of people to try a new, free tool that we are calling knol, which stands for a unit of knowledge. Our goal is to encourage people who know a particular subject to write an authoritative article about it. The tool is still in development and this is just the first phas…
Google Operating System
9) Knols Project: Google Experimenting With User Generated Encyclopedic Pages

…is called Knols, or «units of knowledge.» Knols participants will write reference pages on any topic, using a Google content creation tool apparently in the works, and those pages will be highlighted in Google search results. Authors will choose whether they want ads to appear and will receive a «substantial revenue share.» I think this is go…

Fuente: [ google blog official]