Archive for the ‘e-lerning’ Category

Citizendium: Contrary to some press reports, we have not "opened our doors."

enero 25, 2007
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Si estáis interesado en saber más, ya tratamos el tema el miércoles 4 de octubre de 2006 The Citizendium Project. un nuevo wiki experimental , el jueves 21 de septiembre de 2006 Imagine there’s no heaven: Citizendium (II). Un nuevo wiki experimental.
24 Jan. 2007
Dear Visitors,
Contrary to some press reports, we have not «opened our doors.» We have only made it possible for people to quickly self-register. You can read CZ now, but you have to register first. We’re sorry for the misunderstanding. We do not yet have the servers and bandwidth to handle the traffic we expect upon full public launch. You can help change this by making a donation.
The wiki and some other project components are experiencing high levels of traffic. We’ve tweaked server settings and hopefully are ready for it. If not, please be patient!
Thanks for your understanding.
Citizendium Staff

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Fuente: [citizendium]

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