Archive for the ‘[5 enlaces][5 links]’ Category

[5 enlaces][5 links] survey biblioblogosphere, Teaching, microscopes virtuels, interactions eBook , mapa conceptual

septiembre 9, 2007

1) 2007 Survey of the Biblioblogosphere: Blog Demographics en Information Wants To Be Free de Meredith Farkas,Librarian, writer and tech geek. 2). Una serie de

12. How long have you had your primary blog?
Less than 4 months 16.6% 131
4-8 months 14.2% 112
9 months – 1 year 15.3% 121
13 months to 2 years 23.4% 185
25 months to 3 years 14.8% 117
37 months to 4 years 7.1% 56
49 months to 5 years 3.7% 29
61 months to 6 years 2.8% 22
73 months to 7 years 1.1% 9
More than 7 years 1.1% 9
answered question 791
skipped question 48

2) Teaching with Technology: Facilitating the Process Part 1: Strategies for adopting instructional technology By Ric Keaster, Leroy Metze, and Angela Hillegas en Campus Technology.

«The presence of technology in the nation’s schools is an expectation mentioned in policy statements from local school boards to such influential national initiatives as No Child Left Behind (NCLB). The NCLB legislation emphasizes the importance of incorporating technology in all areas of P-12 education; it is not a matter of «if» P-12 schools teach the nation’s students to use technology but «when,» and the time is sooner than later. Likewise, instructors in colleges of education cannot teach prospective teachers to use technology unless the faculty, themselves, use technology in the college of education classrooms as a part of their instruction. There is something about «modeling» that goes a long way in education, regardless of the level of education under consideration.»

microscope_virtuel.jpg3) Microscopes virtuelsen

Observez le monde de l’infiniment petit avec différents types de microscopes virtuels.
C’est ce que vous pouvez faire en allant sur le site de “molecular expression”. Plusieurs exemples de simulation en java sont proposés, il faut un peu se promener sur le site pour les découvrir. En voici trois exemples interactifs :

4) 25 Interactions for eLearning – Free eBook en eLearning Technology de Tony Karrer

BJ Schone has published a nice little eBook and has an associated blog that provides some interactions that can be used in eLearning that will make the learning more fun and engaging. Some of the interactions he talks about are:

  • Scatter steps
  • Order of importance
  • Find the mismatch
  • Story-based questions
  • Scavenger hunt
  • Branching stories

5) Images de présentations dans lesquelles j’ai packagé un argumentaire en Quelques news sur la E-Formation Continuation d’un petit bulletin de news sur la e-formation que je destine principalement à mes correspondants du ministère de l’Ecologie, du Développement et de l’Aménagement Durables

Voici un aperçu statique des présentations que j’ai faites dans la «Commission Nationale de Formation Professionnelle» de l’Equipement le 3 juilllet 2007. Cette commission est une instance d’échange avec les partenaires sociaux sur les projets en cours. J’avais une vingtaine de minutes pour faire toucher du doigt le sujet à des auditeurs dont plusieurs n’avaient pas été spécialement sensibilisés jusqu’alors.

Fuente: [ varias]

[5 enlaces] [5links]: Facebook, Andrew McAfee, mlearning, wikimedia argentina y Educalibre chile

agosto 30, 2007

1) Crowdsourcing Reaches Facebook Users in First Collaborative Online Course: en emedia wire.

A new online course is being offered for Facebook users, but it is not being taught by a single instructor. Instead, the course is being created by Facebook users themselves through a collaborative process known as «crowdsourcing.» The class is being conducted through, a new online learning website that is on the cutting edge of social media and Web 2.0 trends.

2) The Great Decoupling en Andrew McAfee.

Malone draws pictures like the ones below to show what happens over time as information costs go down (I’ll use the broader term ‘information costs’ to emphasize that it’s not just communication costs that decline sharply over time.). Centralization first increases as information collection and transmission become feasible for the first time, then decreases as costs do. Centralization is eventually replaced by lateralization:

Future of Work diagrams

3) mLearning – FREE Webinar – Great Quotes en Corporate elearning

August is mLearning Month! At least is was for me and Guild Research. Okay, it actually goes further back into July, and probably June. But since The eLearning Guild released the report in August, I’m stickin’ with August as being all about mLearning.

4) Nace capítulo argentino de WikiMedia como organización social

El sábado 1 de septiembre, de 14 a 18 en la sede de la Confederación Nacional de Docentes Universitarios (Conadu), Pasco 255, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, se realizará el lanzamiento y la constitución de la Asociación Civil Wikimedia Argentina, entidad que trabajará en conjunto con Wikimedia Foundation,

5) Ministro de Economía cita a Educalibre

Señores EducaLibre,

Por medio de la presente me permito invitar a dos (2) representantes de EducaLibre a una reunión con este Ministro y otros representantes de la sociedad civil, con el objeto de intercambiar ideas frente al diseño de una Estrategia Digital para Chile y los aportes que dicho movimiento pueda realizar a su diseño. La reunión se realizará el día 13/09/2007 a las 12:00 en dependencias del ministerio (Teatinos 120, Piso 10). Solicito puedan confirmar asistencia y nombres de las personas que asistirían por este mismo medio.

Saluda atentamente,

Alejandro Ferreiro
Ministro de Economía

Fuente: [varias]

[5 enlaces][5 links] Jesuitas en second Life. Un homenaje a Antonio Drove

agosto 22, 2007

Desde el sábado 26 de mayo de 2007 en Iglesia y web 2.0:Desde el seminario 2.0…Podcast divino!!! no hablábamos de iglesia y web.

Hoy vamos a continuar con nuestra nueva sección titulada [5 enlaces][5 links] dedicándosela a los Jesuitas una orden religiosa fundada por Ignacio de Loyola, que dicen entra en Second Life….Antonio Spadaro es el gestor de esta iniciativa…

Dicen que quién estudió con ellos no olvidan…marca carácter…baste ver el trabajo de un director español excelente Antonio Drove titulado: ‘La caza de brujas’ (1967). Era su trabajo de prácticas en la Escuela Oficial de Cine. (aunque su primera fue Primera comunión, La (1966) ). La caza de brujas es un ejercicio espectacular de un director irreductible al que las mafias no permitían trabajar en este país, un gran talento y una bella persona, amable, cercana, que fué deteriorándose.

Con el tuve el honor de compartir un curso de Dirección cinematográfica hace muchos años, en Cadaqués. Murió en 2005, un ejemplo de dignidad cinematográfica….valga esto como un grato recuerdo a quién fué mi maestro durante 7 días, casi 24 horas diarias: hablando de cine destilaba pasión, saber hacer y conocimiento. No se me olvida esa figura desgarbada, enjuta, con su perpetuo ducados en la mano y esos dedos centrales de la mano marrones del humo. Un cálido recuerdo.
Los títulos de sus dos primeras pelis ya dicen mucho.Del resto de su filmografía destacar:
Túnel, El (1987)
Verdad sobre el caso Savolta, La (1980)
Tocata y fuga de Lolita (1974)

Nos contó cuando no le dejaban trabajar, ni de extra en las pelis…algunos, pocos, le ayudaron. Y el los recordaba…es de bién nacío ser agradecío.

A lo que iba, cuando los niños van huyendo de los curas…y pasan por delante del altar…en vez de seguir corriendo para que no lo cojan…se paran, se arrodillan se hacen la señal de la cruz y siguen corriendo….En el taller estuvimos horas hablando de esa escena…el nos decía simplemente: estudiar en los jesuítas imprime carácter.

Después de este excurso, a lo que vamos: Jesuitas y second life….
Las ilustraciones dicen mucho de las autoras y autores de los relatos.
Ciberescrituras, nos pone una imagen de un convento «en formato second life» superapropiado para la noticia, christian today …una imagen de second life, la mano, muy identificadora aunque no aporta demasiado….la de vox me encanta un cruzado, espada en mano con la leyenda For God and country ….el país tan zozo como siempre ni foto…. pero la que riza el rizo…es la de cnet news: un fajo de billetes en primer plano…al fondo una especie de «cortesana medieval»…no comento más….

1)Evangelización 2.0: los jesuitas penetran los territorios de Second Life
De toda la iglesia probablemente una de las órdenes más polémicas (qué tímida, debería decir que la más polémica de todas) es la de los Jesuitas. Fundada por San Ignacio de Loyola en 1534 y marcada desde sus inicios por el modelo militar que seguía su fundador, la orden de los jesuítas se mueve siempre entre lo mundano, lo intelectual y lo espiritual lo cual ha hecho que permanezcnan siempre a la vanguardia de los movimientos intelectuales, filosóficos y sociales.

Fuente: [ciberescrituras]

2) Evangelical Opportunity Exists In ‘Second-Life’ Says Academic . An academic has called on fellow Catholics to enter into the virtual world to save souls.

By: Joseph Keenan

An academic has called on fellow Catholics to enter into the virtual world to save souls.

Antonio Spadaro, writing an article in the Jesuit journal La Civilta Cattolica, said that Second Life, an online simulation game with 8 million viewers; is a ‘mission territory’ to find new converts and should be considered an opportunity for the Church, reported Reuters.

Fuente: [Christian Today Correspondent]

3) Jesuits Bring the Good News to Second Life

For God and country

Virtual worlds may well be the new frontier for crusades of today. The Jesuits, a Catholic order of priests founded by St. Ignatius Loyola in the 1500s, have decided their next bastion of faith should be raised in Second Life, reports the Financial Times.

In the Civilta’ Cattolica, the Jesuits’ official organ, Second Life is compared to the once-Godless jungles of Africa and distant China.

For God and country

Fuente: [vox]

4) Los jesuitas se encomiendan a ‘Second Life’. La Compañía de Jesús propone extender el Evangelio a través del mundo virtual

La Compañía de Jesús propuso hoy utilizar la plataforma virtual Second Life para difundir el Evangelio, según un artículo difundido por su publicación Civiltà Cattolica y que ha tenido una buena acogida en el Vaticano.

Fuente: [el país]

5) Jesuits urged to take God’s word to ‘Second Life’

Academic tells fellow Catholics not to fear the virtual world, which he says may prove a fertile ground for new converts.

Catholic missionaries have always trekked to remote parts of the world to spread the word of God. Now they are being encouraged to go into the virtual realm of Second Life to save virtual souls.

Fuente: [cnet]

Fuente: [imágenes Drove: el mundo y spadaro:]

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[5 enlaces][5links] [17/08/07]

agosto 17, 2007

Seguimos con la sección [5 enlaces][5links], enlaces-links para la lectura.

1) It’s Time to Drop E-Learning

For some, e-learning is only now coming into its own. For others, the word smacks of an obsession with technology. Donald H Taylor argues that it’s time to drop the ‘e’ and start concentrating on the ‘learning’.It’s time to drop e-learning. Let’s be specific. It’s time to drop the ‘e’ in e-learning. It’s time to recognise that the ‘e’ carries the stigma of past hyperbole, puts some potential learners and managers off and smacks of a love of technology that has everything to do with content delivery, rather than individual learning.

Fuente: [training zone]

2) Teaching Chemistry Mechansims in Second Life I have previously commented on how organic chemistry can be incorporated into Second Life.

Andrew Lang has created a script to generate 3D structures of molecules and shown how to represent the docking of a molecule in the receptor site of a protein (this is important for demonstrating how drugs can interfere with infectious agents like the parasite that causes malaria). Fuente: [drexel coas e-learning]

3)The Rise of e-Learning in Nigeria 08.01.2007.Information Communication Technology

Efem Nkanga in this report looks at the rising adoption of the e-Learning platform as a tool for effective knowledge dissemination in Nigeria. Fuente: [this day]

4) E-learning receives interest, needs support. Alvin Darlanika Soedarjo,
Academics have urged universities to adopt an efficient e-learning process despite mounting problems with content management, lack of facilities and limited internet access for students and educators.

«E-learning at universities has received a good response from students and faculty members. However, e-learning is still quite new and there are many obstacles we need to overcome before it becomes effective,» said Didi Achjari, the associate dean for administration affairs at the School of Economics at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) in Yogyakarta. Fuente: [The Jakarta Post, Jakarta]

5) illumio

«illumio is a new way to stay informed and connected in a web world that is exploding with social networks, blogs, news, and other content. Fuente: [Jane’s E-Learning Pick of the Day]

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[5 enlaces][5 links] [1]: Nueva sección 5 enlaces…

agosto 16, 2007

Hoy vamos a inaugurar una nueva sección titulada [5 enlaces][5 links], de la que llevo ya 15 días con tres o cuatro posts en cartera del borrador de bloger, algún día había que comenzar, y ese es hoy:

1) George Roberts :: Weblog :: Blended learning? en Emerge de George Roberts.

This is more of an essay than I intended! Further to Nicola’s «defining the e» and the discussion that followed, Rhona Sharpe led a review of Blended Learning for the HE Academy. I contributed part of the literature review. The political argument was largely submerged in the final paper. I rehearse it here. And in the SlideShare

Whatever it is, it is widely recognised that blended learning is ubiquitous. We can blend:

  • delivery different modes (face-to-face and distance education)
  • technology mixtures of (web based) technologies
  • locus authentic/work-based and class-room based learning
  • pedagogy different pedagogical approaches
  • chronology synchronous and a-synchronous interventions
  • roles multi-disciplinary groupings of learners
  • focus different aims
  • direction instructor-directed vs. learner-directed .

2) Sorting Out the Issues in Blackboard v iParadigms at e-Literate en e-literate.

The latest news is that Blackboard has stated that the language of the intellectual property waiver in their contract with iParadigms was specific to that contract, motivated by specific concerns about the particular company and business relationship involved. Blackboard further states the language is not present in their standard Building Blocks contract or other partner contacts. This is an important clarification and one that I am happy to pass on.

3) Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Emergency 2.0: Twitter helps public services speed up ahead the government in crisis situations en Smart Mobs.

David Stephenson, homeland security, e-government, and crisis management strategist and theorist, pleads as defense attorney for Twitter’s social strengths by presenting two illustrative cases, as exhibits before a virtual jury: LA Fire Department 2.0 and Red Cross 2.0 in Birmingham, AL.

4) Pantasmas antes do almorzo: Cinema: resistencia e comunicación. en Pantasmas antes do almorzo.

Balata Film Collective

Film is an important means of both resistance and communication. The Balata Film Collective was initated to enable young Palestinians from Balata to break their isolation, challenge their oppression and and represent their lives to the world.

The Balata film production collective films, edits and produces movies in Arabic and English. Until now, the collective has focused on producing shorts which are uploaded to the internet. In the future hopefully it will also produce full-length movies distributed on DVD and VHS.

5) DB2 and open source: Put yourself on the map with Google Maps API, DB2/Informix, and PHP on Linux en IBM.

oogle Maps API along with DB2® or Informix®, PHP, JavaScript, and XML let you create an easy-to-use map with your data on it. Pan to your zip code to see area-specific data. Use custom icons, change the map type, create a sidebar, and use event handlers. <!– if (document.referrer&&document.referrer!=»») { // document.write(document.referrer); var q = document.referrer; var engine = q; var isG =\.com/i); var searchTerms; //var searchTermsForDisplay; if (isG != -1) { var i =; var q2 = q.substring(i+2); var j =; j = (j == -1)?q2.length:j; searchTerms = q.substring(i+2,i+2+j); if (searchTerms.length != 0) { searchQuery(searchTerms); document.write(«

«); } } } //–>


The recent explosion of information has spawned many new technologies that help digest all these gigabytes. Most humans do best with graphical representations when trying to absorb lots of information. Geographic data, in this case from the US Census, can be visualized using Google Maps, instead of traditional geographical information systems (GIS). Why use this article when there are over 69 million hits for the search words «google maps»? This article focuses on using PHP, Informix, DB2, and Linux. Also, the code provided here has the clarity that only a 14-year-old programmer can provide. (See «Resources» for more articles written by this author.)

Fuente: [varias][imágenes: superior suspensión de 5 enlaces en ssangYong e inferior y 5 enlaces erróneos? en taller de química orgánica